Snipe History
- Historical photos of the 1940s through 2000s
- World Championship Results
- Sports Illustrated 1959 article
- Oak Orchard link Fleet #10
- Rudder Magazine Articles from 1932
Photos from the Heinzerling family:
- Snipe #2 from Boston Public Library
- Snipe #3 with Bill Crosby on Bow from Boston Public Library
- Snipe Interviews – keep checking for more postings. For questions or suggestions on whom we should interview, contact Vince Casalaina:
- Arden Zinn,
- Stephen Bechtel,
- Augie Diaz,
- Peter Commette,
- Gordon Miller (101 yrs),
- Connie Commette,
- Jerry Thompson,
- Ernesto Rodriguez,
- Hal Gilreath,
- Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz,
- Nick Voss,
- Alexandre Tinoco,
- Brian Bissell,
- George Szabo,
- Bibi Juetz,
- Pedro Garra,
- Linda Tillman
- Tarasa Davis
- John Call
- Marina Gallego
- Buzz Levinson
- Gavin O’Hare
- Dick Tillman
- Trixy Agusti
- Ida Saetersdal
- Siri Kamfjord
- Marta Hernandez
- Maria Tato
- Giorgio Brezich
- Christian Filter
- Henry Filter
- Carmen Diaz
- Kate Levinson
- Sally Levinson
- Harry Levinson
- Anna Tunnicliffe
- Molly Vandemoer
- Woody Norwood
- Tyler Sinks
- Eric Conn
- Steve Sherman
- Jessie Varalyay
- CArl Eichenlaub
- Andy Pimental
- John Rose
- Fernanda Calderon
- Rocio Agusti
- Jimmie Lowe
- Rudder Magazine
- Snipe Bulletins, 1950