Full Top Batten

From the Technical Committe I need circulate some important news concerning the proposals voted and passed during the Board meetings called during the last Worlds at Rungsted/Danmark. The Technical Committee is informed that at least four sail-makers have modified the Snipe main sails adopting the top full batten and longer middle and lower battens.

Full Top Batten Image

Michele Postinghel

From the Technical Committe

I need circulate some important news concerning the proposals voted and passed during the Board meetings called during the last Worlds at Rungsted/Danmark.

The Technical Committee is informed that at least four sail-makers have modified the Snipe main sails adopting the top full batten and longer middle and lower battens.

The new stile sails were used in various conditions from light to windy weather and in all conditions it seems to work very well.

The reports we received are widely positive for several reasons as:

  • the shape of sails also in light conditions remains good as the upper part is more open and of easy control and the “leach is more active and opened up quicker with a slight ease in the main sheet”
  • in windy conditions the sail luffed a lot less so it is of more easy control

The effect of longer battens combined with heavier cloth will be of sails lasting longer with better performances and easier trim.

The next step of Technical Committee is to rule the new dimensions of all battens and establish the position of top batten.

I need to remind to all that the new rules will take effect January 1st 2013 so we have the year 2012 to implement the information due to experimentation under the new rules.



bjorn sundby
01/18/2012 -

SCIRA constitution section 28 "Measurement rules changes may take effect only on January 1 of each leap year, and then only if submitted to the Board as agenda items by June 1 of the preceding year." Except if the change "be of extreme urgency". Also ISAF shall consider the matter.
The final text of the rules is not yet clear ?

So the changes should take effect only as of 1.1.2016 ?
Our Board respects our constituion ?

Or: have I misunderstood ?

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Antonio Bari
07/29/2012 -

The board respects the constitution, as beginning from 2001 the SCIRA adopted the same schedule used by the ISAF to publish the new rulebook. This means that the new rules, if submitted for approval before june 1st 2012 will take effect on jan 1st 2013.

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