Class Rules Comments on Rule Change Proposals

My second comment sheet is about those called “Class documents”, which are the Rules of Conduct, the Deed of Gifts, the Constitution and the Bylaws.

Class Rules Comments on Rule Change Proposals Image

by Antonio Bari

[Editor’s Note: in the “Exchange of views and reading” category we host opinions, comments and points of view, even if they do not coincide with the official position of the Board or the Board members. The only condition is that these opinions are well motivated and not offensive to anyone.]

My second comment sheet is about those called “Class documents”, which are the Rules of Conduct, the Deed of Gifts, the Constitution and the Bylaws.

The Rules of Conduct are the basic rules to follow to organize and manage the Snipe regattas, especially the major championships. In the last few years, to speed up the measurement procedures with the purpose of shortening the events’ schedule, a sort of In House Measurement has been adopted. The IHM has worked well but isn’t included in the RoC so I agree to add the system into the rules.

But, instead of the proposed wording in 22-03, I would suggest the following:

In my opinion this wording is clearer, giving room to the Organizing Committees to manage the measurements according to their capability, available facilities and volunteers.

But, there’s something hidden in the proposal: the mast step won’t be checked anymore. If we link this proposal to the 22-15, it appears that the purpose of those two new rules is to let the mast step movement not restricted.

Sincerely, I’ve no comments on 22-04. That one isn’t a proposal. It’s a suggestion. All the Deed of Gifts were updated in 2021 and might need some small adjustment, but every DoG is different and requires specific changes, if any.

Back to the Constitution, the purpose of 22-05 is quite difficult to understand. The current version is the most inclusive ever, giving opportunity to a new Country to be recognized with one active boat only. But, this is an exception. In my mind a fleet is a “group” not a “single”. The Constitution already covers the situation, why extending the “one man, one boat, one fleet” to already active Countries? On the contrary, forcing the Snipe lovers to group together might increase the boats number.

Most of the proposed changes are about the Class Rules, simply reading and understanding all of them takes a long time but, in the next comment, I’ll try to synthesize the whole matter finding out those which will mostly impact the Class.

Stay tuned!



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