Rule Change Proposal: 22-15 Mast Step

According to the Decision Making Process,
- Rules changes can be submitted up to 1st March.
- All proposals will be published on the website.
- The period from March to June will be used for public discussion and also for the Rules Committee recommendations.
- The Board will vote all submission on July.
- The approved changes will be sent to World Sailing (August) for final approval (November).
On March 1, 2022, 17 proposals were submitted:
Discussion Forum here on SnipeToday (you can leave comments)
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1 comment
Antonio Bari
This proposal in conjunction with 22-02 gives the opportunity to freely move the mast while racing with a simple purchase under the deck. I don't understand the "safety reasons" invoked to adopt a fast pin. Maybe "safer opportunity to move the mast while racing"?
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Pepe Pérez
Si el objetivo es desalentar el incumplimiento de las reglas, con el pie de mástil de cazoleta como la del Optimet facilita tal incumplimiento, ya que incluso fácilmente podría montarse una maniobra para hacer girar la tuerca desde la banda mediante un cabo y mordaza.
Ciertamente es muy difícil, peligroso y casi imposible con el actual pie de palo con tornillo roscado modificar su posición a flote, ya que la natural posición de mástil y tornillo dificultan mucho utilizar herramientas. Es una operación pensada para efectuarla en tierra
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