New Rules
Snipe Class expert Antonio Bari explains the new rules. New-Rules-2024Download…
Rules expert Antonio Bari explains the new rules…
South Europe Summer Circuit: German Open, Caldonazzo, Italy, June 10-12, 2022Sipar International, Moscenicka Draga, Croatia, June 25-26, 2022 ITA Alessandro Bari & Antonio Bari, 5ITA Andrea Piazza & Marta Pendesini,…
Moscenicka Draga, Croatia, June 24, 2022. Results after 2 races: ITA Alessandro Bari & Antonio Bari. 4CRO Bojan Grego & Vlado Grego, 4CRO Marko Marinovic & XX, 5CRO Milko Volaric…
On-line training for the Snipe measurers was successfully conducted but Antonio Bari on June 22nd. 18 participants from seven European, North America and South American countries got a good introduction…
SCIRA will host a online training session for new measurers on Wednesday, June 22 starting at 1900 CET. Antonio Bari will help new measurers to get started and also…
by Antonio Bari, Rules Expert Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to participate in the Master Europeans. A great event, very well organized and managed by the Real Club Nautico de Valencia…
My second comment sheet is about those called “Class documents”, which are the Rules of Conduct, the Deed of Gifts, the Constitution and the Bylaws.
2022 appears to be a busy year with plenty of proposals to change the current rules, either on the Constitution side or the technical side. As former Chief Measurer and…
Caldonazzo, Italy, June 13, 2021. Final results after 3 races: Alessandro Bari & Antonio Bari, 3 Dario Uber & Arianna Uber, 8 Roberto Emer & Margherita Bensa, 10…
Antonio Bari, Snipe Class Rules expert, yesterday gave a complete and interesting lecture on measurement at the main events, either National or International and on how to prepare the…
SnipeToday Webinar The webinar, open to all interested parties (sailors, measurers, race officers, etc.), will take place on Friday 16 April at 9:00 PM CEST Antonio Bari, the rules…
On Friday, February 29, SCIRA Italy organized the online refresher course for Fleet Measurers, chaired by Antonio Bari. An initiative…
by Gweneth Crook I have said it before and say it again…the Snipe Class would not exist without the volunteers. I would like to say a special thank you…
(From the Snipe Bulletin) by Antonio Bari It was long time ago……when I was asked to become a member of the Rules Committee, so long that I don’t remember…