Italian Nationals – Final

Anguillara Sabazia, July 24-27, 2014. Enrico Solerio and Sergio Simonetti win again. Results, photos, and regatta report (in English and in Italian) by Alberto Perdisa and Italian Ranking Forty-six teams were at the starting line for the seventy-third edition of the Italian Nationals in Vigna di Valle. These are good numbers that need to be commented on. The very first Snipe National Championship was sailed on the waters of Genova Sturla in 1937 and won by Piero and Emilio Reggio. It was incredible that, despite the World War II, the Snipes sailed some edition of the Nationals in '41 and in '42, though not in '40 or '43-'46. From 1947 to 2014 we have had an uninterrupted series of Championships that have seen several generations of sailors and the extraordinary technical evolution of a boat, ever renovated, economic and with so many qualities, part of the history of dinghies and sailing in Italy. ...

Italian Nationals – Final Image

Anguillara Sabazia, July 24-27, 2014. Enrico Solerio and Sergio Simonetti win again.

Results, photos, and regatta report (in English and in Italian) by Alberto Perdisa and Italian Ranking

Forty-six teams were at the starting line for the seventy-third edition of the Italian Nationals in Vigna di Valle.

These are good numbers that need to be commented on. The very first Snipe National Championship was sailed on the waters of Genova Sturla in 1937 and won by Piero and Emilio Reggio.

It was incredible that, despite the World War II, the Snipes sailed some edition of the Nationals in ’41 and in ’42, though not in ’40 or ’43-’46.

From 1947 to 2014 we have had an uninterrupted series of Championships that have seen several generations of sailors and the extraordinary technical evolution of a boat, ever renovated, economic and with so many qualities, part of the history of dinghies and sailing in Italy.


Enrico Solerio took the title again. His outstanding record of titles began in 1999 in Rosignano Solvay with his Franco as crew, who sailed alongside him in 2001 in Formia and Anzio in 2002. The two brothers then finished brilliantly in fourth place at the European Championship that took place in the same waters of Anzio and sailed together numerous Europeans and Worlds with good results.

Towards the end of the decade, Enrico brought in the strong Sergio Simonetti as crew and the results were always excellent, even at the international level. First the Italian Nationals in Sanremo in 2008, then in Pescara in 2010, the year in which they were third at the Don Q in Miami and the Nationals again in Rosignano Solvay in 2013, the year in which they have participated in the World Championship in Rio de Janeiro.

With this latest title the champion of Sanremo approaches two big skippers, both from Trieste Enrico Michel (who this year he crewed for the Belgian Manu Hens) and Georgio Brezich who won the Nationals 9 times.

This year Lake Bracciano hosted the 73rd Italian Nationals, complicated by the unstable weather of this strange summer.

Anyway the final verdict and ranking speak clear and highlighted the better prepared team. Too bad that the positioning of the course increased the unstability of wind. It was also a pity that we were able to sail only 6 of the 9 races scheduled due to the weather. However the RC did good work.

Solerio-Simonetti proved once again the best with a impressive consistency considering the conditions, obtaining one first and never going below the first four positions in the other races, except the last race which they discarded.

Their advantage over runners-up, the excellent Dario Bruni-Carlo Collotta, were clear. Bruni, the only one who won two races in the series, showed his improvements. In third place the Belgian Manu Hens with the Italian Enrico Miche as crew, always fast and consistent. Then the Norwegians Josteim Grodem-Maj Kristin Hansen Borgen, the winners of the third race. It was nice to see the return of an Argentine friend who a few years ago raced steadily in Italy: Micky Costa with Edoardo De Santis showed his skill once again. Scrolling down the overall standings to sixth place (third Italians), the strong local Fabio Nocera – Fabio Ferrone. Then Stefano Longhi-Francesca Ruggiero, clear winners of the first race, Fabio and Daniela Rochelli, Pietro Fantoni-Tullio Nutta and Paolo Tullio Lambertenghi – Yuri Miorandi. Eleventh and brilliant winners of the fifth race of the series, Giuseppe Prosperi – Marco Ceccarelli from Romagna. First among the grand Masters Roberto Tozzi – Andrea Frusone.

The championship, organized by the club Ali 6, saw the participation of seven foreign teams, some of which are high-level and high positions in the rankings.

In preparation for the 2015 World Championship of Talamone, the Snipe Class in Italy, despite the difficult economic times across the country, appeared vital and the atmosphere was very good.

It was a fun week on the water and on land, in the style and tradition of the Class.

Alberto Perdisa

Interview: Enrico Solerio

No Numero Nome Punti 1 2 3 4 5
1 ITA 30269 Solerio Enrico, Simonetti Sergio, 017-01-Y C SANREMO ASS SPORT D 13,0 2 1 2 4 4
2 ITA 30706 Bruni Dario, Collotta Carlo, 402-14-C V CREMONA – ASS SPORT 22,0 (10) 6 8 1 6
3 BEL 31174 Hens Manu, Michel Enrico, RYCB Antwerp 23,0 3 3 3 9 5
4 NOR 30186 Grodem Jostein, Borgen Maj Kristin Hansen 26,0 4 4 1 (14) 14
5 ARG 29824 Costa Miguel, De Santis Edoardo, Yacht Club Olivos 28,0 6 8 (10) 2 2
6 ITA 29868 Nocera Fabio, Ferrone Fabio, 154-04-ALI6 CLUB VELA ASS SPOR 31,0 (13) 5 7 8 7
7 ITA 30774 Longhi Stefano, Ruggiero Francesca, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 33,0 1 9 (24) 5 16
8 ITA 30983 Rochelli Fabio, Semec Daniela, 354-13-S.V.BARCOLA GRIGNANO AS 37,0 7 7 4 (16) 13
9 ITA 15790 Fantoni Pietro, Nutta Tullio, 351-13-CIRCOLO VELA MUGGIA ASS 38,0 5 14 6 3 10
10 ITA 30009 Lambertenghi Paolo, Miorandi Yuri, 397-14-C.V.TORBOLE SOC COOP SP 39,0 14 2 (15) 6 3
11 ITA 30224 Prosperi Giuseppe, Ceccarelli Marco, 1578-11-ASS.SPORT.DILCENTROVEL 48,0 (27) 13 14 13 1
12 ITA 29555 Granchi Francesco, Gavazzi Valerio, 1509-02-CIRC CANOTTIERI SOLVAY 50,0 11 (17) 13 7 11
13 ITA 30194 Schiaffino Alberto, Pasquon Gianpietro, 408-14-AS VELA LAGO LEDRO ASS 58,0 8 11 11 10 18
14 GER 30311 Van Cauwenbergh Ben, Deferm Nadia, RYCB/YCRE 63,0 16 15 5 11 (25)
15 ITA 29082 Bari Alessandro, Bari Antonio, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 74,0 18 12 (21) 19 12
16 ITA 30200 Borrelli Giuseppe, Borrelli Pierluigi, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 86,0 15 18 (25) 23 15
17 ITA 28473 Baldi Dante, Noia Giuseppe, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 90,0 9 20 17 (24) 22
18 ITA 30403 Gemini Andrea, Tramparulo Alessandro, 160-04-CIRCEO YACHT VELAC ASS 94,0 17 21 16 22 (30)
19 ITA 30625 Tozzi Roberto, Frusone Andrea, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 95,0 (31) 27 22 12 9
20 NOR 13923 Haga Jorn, Stray Randi 96,0 26 (36) 12 25 28
21 ITA 30879 Morani Giuseppe, Romani Marco, 136-04-R.C.C. TEVERE REMO ASSS 97,0 12 22 23 (29) 20
22 SWE 31200 Burman Lars, Burman Axel, R.S.Y.C 98,0 22 16 (34) 26 8
23 ITA 29568 Perdisa Alberto, Fontana Francesco, 330-11-C.N.CERVIA AMICI VELA A 99,0 23 10 27 15 (35)
24 ITA 29554 Gangitano Luigi, Burilova Helena, 138-04-GDV LNI ANZIO 107,0 21 23 18 28 17
25 ITA 29935 Sciancalepore Felice, Angeletti Ernesto, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 114,0 19 28 (37) 17 21
26 ITA 28771 Meotto Michele, Cassandro Alberto, 353-13-YACHT CLUB LIGNANO ASS 128,0 20 19 19 (dnf) dns
27 ITA 30438 Maurizi Mauro, Bartoletti Silvia, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 134,0 29 38 9 32 26
28 ITA 29869 Pesci Andrea, Baldi Lorenzo, 058-02-C.N.CASTIGLIONCELLO ASS 134,0 25 (34) 20 34 27
29 ITA 30702 Olivieri Roger, Castello Serena, 136-04-R.C.C. TEVERE REMO ASSS 136,0 24 25 (dns) 20 32
30 NOR 30660 Skjonberg Steffen, Ohrn Maria 143,0 (dnc) dnc dnc 18 19
31 ITA 29053 D’Ambrosio Marco, Orlandi Paolo, 316-09-GDV LNI PESCARA 144,0 33 39 28 21 23
32 ITA 30303 Gattulli Ivo, Cecconi Alea, 161-04-ASS.VELICA BRACCIANO SP 145,0 32 24 26 30 33
33 ITA 29327 Stefani Daniel, Oradini Michael, 408-14-AS VELA LAGO LEDRO ASS 151,0 30 26 30 31 34
34 ITA 29079 Ricci Umberto, Conte Giovanni Battista, 146-04-C N TECNOMAR ASS SPORT 157,0 38 29 32 (41) 41
35 ITA 29107 D’Orazio Giuseppe, Muzii Ermanno, 316-09-GDV LNI PESCARA 161,0 35 30 29 33 (42)
36 ITA 30624 Riccardi Andrea, Rasetto Ugo, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 163,0 (37) 32 35 35 31
37 ITA 30683 Pesci Stefano Maria, De Reya Castelletto Luca, 058-02-C.N.CASTIGLIONCELLO ASS 164,0 28 35 33 37 (44)
38 ITA 30581 Ciufo Claudio, Damiani Giovannina, 159-04-ASS SPORT DIL NAUTICA S 165,0 36 37 36 (39) 24
39 ITA 30848 Steffè Fabio, Bosutti Stefano, 348-13-Y C ADRIACO ASS SPORT D 168,0 34 (40) 40 27 29
40 ITA 30913 Turchetto Alessandro, Rogato Alberto, 326-11-CLUB NAUTICO RIMINI ASS 169,0 (42) 33 31 38 40
41 ITA 30075 Stilli Ulderico, Amore Franco, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 178,0 39 31 38 (43) 37
42 ITA 28817 Donati Santiago, Rigobello Marco, 408-14-AS VELA LAGO LEDRO ASS 200,0 41 41 39 40 39
43 ITA 30232 Moro Paolo Renato, Moro Pierpaolo, 634-04-PLANET SAIL BRACCIANO S 206,0 (dnc) dnc dnc 36 36
44 ITA 30412 Padoan Stefania, Padoan Giorgio, 348-13-Y C ADRIACO ASS SPORT D 207,0 40 (dns) dnc 45 38
45 ITA 28946 Piselli Gianfranco, Borghese Giuseppe, 316-09-GDV LNI PESCARA 208,0 43 42 42 42 (45)
46 ITA 28961 Maraner Ilaria, Giraudo Floriana Luisa, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 215,0 44 43 41 44

Italian Ranking (after the Italian Nationals)



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