North American Championship
Hi Snipe Folks,
In 2020 Venkat was the first to sign up for an event we had to cancel. In 2021 Venkat was again the first to sign up for the rescheduled event. When the cool swag became available, Venkat was the first to order some.
Bob did not sign up for the 2020 event. Bob has yet to sign up for the 2021 event. Bob has not purchased any cool swag yet.
Bob might miss out on saving himself $50 if he does not sign up before August 10, 2020. Registration is $250 until then.
Be like Venkat not like Bob.
Hope to see you in September,
Paul & Shan
Register NOW and review the NOR at ClubSpot.
For more information, contact Co-Chair Paul Earl at [email protected].
Note: A cap on entries may be necessary to ensure compliance with local or club covid restrictions.
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