Eight Bells: Caio Vergo

Caio Vergo aka Minho, sailor from Porto Alegre will be remembered for having a big heart.

Eight Bells: Caio Vergo Image
1992 Brazilian Nationals

Caio Vergo aka Minho, sailor from Porto Alegre will be remembered for having a big heart.

He was the first to believe in the potential of Xandi Paradeda that tells us a little bit about him:
“In the one design classes where I won my first important championships for the first time, he was my crew in each of these classes: South Americans 470, Brazilian Nationals Snipe and South Americans Soling. Minho was older than me, and had raced with renowned sailors, he had the audacity to bet on an 18-year-old boy and together we won important championships. Thank you for believing in me, may the good winds carry you in peace. We will miss our moments forever. Good bye…”



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