Crew Union Writes Manifesto
The Snipe Crew Union has been around since long before Briggs invented the Cunningham, but it’s always been a relatively informal group. Recent events, however, pushed this usually agreeable bunch to organize a Zoom call and demand formal recognition from SCIRA.
“We’re okay with doing most of the work every race,” says newly elected President Kim Couranz. “We’re just looking for a little more credit—and a LOT less drama.”
As an international union, the first big decision was whether to identify it by number (the US approach) or name (in the British tradition). When Sue Roberts proposed a number, pointing out that the current British trend was away from anything-union, the shouting started—until Diego “Mini” Lipszyc (ARG) held up his hand and began to speak. The Spanish speakers immediately started to cheer and pound their respective tables, making it difficult for the English speakers to hear the translation by Georgia Bruder (BRA). Soon, however, Diego’s impassioned words were enshrined forever, as the opening paragraph of the new crew manifesto: “I pledge to stand up for myself and my taller brothers and sisters anytime I see skippers disrespecting us. We are stronger together than apart.”
Martha Parker (USA) proposed that Diego become the International Snipe Crew Union’s vice president; it was seconded by Marinella Gorgatto (ITA). The vote in favor was unanimous. It was further decided that two board members would be enough.
When the meeting was brought to his attention, SCIRA Commodore Luis Soubie asked President Couranz that skippers be invited to the next Zoom call. After turning off her camera until she could bring her snort of derisive laughter under control, Couranz reminded him that skippers already got plenty of time to speak their minds. (For those skippers already considering a Zoombombing, Couranz says she will only let in paid members of a local crew union who know their numbers.)
And for those thinking history does indeed repeat itself, here’s the proof.
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