Breaking News: Snipes added to Paris Olympics

With just over 100 days until the Opening Ceremonies on the River Seine, World Sailing has announced an equipment substitution for the mixed doublehanded discipline: the Snipe will replace the 470. Though rumors are swirling, there will be no athlete substitutions allowed.

Breaking News: Snipes added to Paris Olympics Image


With just over 100 days until the Opening Ceremonies on the River Seine, World Sailing has announced an equipment substitution for the mixed doublehanded discipline: the Snipe will replace the 470. Though rumors are swirling, there will be no athlete substitutions allowed.

“This will be an easy transition,” USA’s 470 crew Lara Dallman-Weiss said, upon hearing the news. “I sailed the US Nationals on Lake Okoboji, and Stu [McNay, skipper] was in one at least once. We’ll be way better prepared than the other international teams.”

No official reason has been given for the last-minute change, but a source close to World Sailing claims it was caused by the way 470 crews now pump their hips from the wire. The concern seems to be triggering an R rating for the entire Olympic Sailing TV program. “The censors didn’t like that… motion,” the source said. “Snipes will keep Olympic TV family-friendly.”



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