Articles, Advices & Education

How to sail a Snipe fast? Read the tuning tips from our experts. Spreaders, rake, mast butt position. Do you have doubts about how to rig a Snipe? Read the news about boats or equipments.
Training hours are always important. Here are some tricks on how to work well and on an effective boat handling.
Is your problem tactics and strategy? Don’t worry, you can find many answers by reading the articles of our experts.
All about the Snipe Class and the Snipe Sailors. Exchange of views, opinions, comments and new proposals. The Snipe is alive and exciting. And the discussion is lively as well.

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2011 All Japan Snipe Championship

 全日本スナイプ。スナイプクラスにおける国内最高峰のレースです。実業団、学生、一般の方が入り乱れての気合いと根性合戦。ん〜たまりません☆今後更にスナイプクラスが発­展する事を期待して・・・ [iframe width=”300″ height=”250″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen ] gnomiyama…

by SnipeToday