An Open Letter from Alejandro Fresneda
[caption id="attachment_5785" align="alignnone" width=""]Photo by Maria Muina[/caption](Photo via "I love Snipe Class" FB page) Hi Pietro, The first, you have to pay me a prize, jajajajaja .......Only me, I have won both of the bets that you have proposed in Snipe Today (first with Raul and Antolin in European Championship and now with Bruno and Dante). It was a pity that you didn´t purpose a bet for Master World Championship, We had won it, jajajajaja ...... Let´s speak seriously on the topic of the class. I don´t Know what has happened in the Class lately, but we have tried important changes (rules, measurements, etc ....) and we have not got anything. Now, suddenly we want to do everything at the same time, without listening the general feeling of the class.

(Photo via “I love Snipe Class” FB page)
Hi Pietro,
The first, you have to pay me a prize, jajajajaja …….Only me, I have won both of the bets that you have proposed in Snipe Today (first with Raul and Antolin in European Championship and now with Bruno and Dante). It was a pity that you didn´t purpose a bet for Master World Championship, We had won it, jajajajaja ……
Let´s speak seriously on the topic of the class. I don´t Know what has happened in the Class lately, but we have tried important changes (rules, measurements, etc ….) and we have not got anything. Now, suddenly we want to do everything at the same time, without listening the general feeling of the class.
I think we are making several mistakes, because changing the age master as a consequence will bring less people in the participation. I think it is more serious the opening the European Championship, above all for the national secretaries, since the National Championship will lose participation, since it will not be necessary to qualify. Wouldn´t it be better to leave to the organization the possibility to invite someone? I think it is thought that a few people will come but on the contrary at the National level we perjudicate??? above all to the group.
I think that Scira must concentrate on more important things, such as the organizacion of the Championships. Lately we are not so successful in the fulfilment of the measurements, where much controversy is generating too.
I would be very grateful if you published my feeling.
Best regards and thanks a lot.
Your friend,
Alejandro Fresneda
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