Traditions Build Winners as the Snipe turns 80

I'm asking for your support to help get the Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners documentary edited this year, the 80th Anniversary of the Snipe. You can donate money for this project on-line at and at the same time you can be entering the raffle I'm holding. My Kickstarter project is titled "Traditions Build Winners as the Snipe turns 80".

I’m asking for your support to help get the Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners documentary edited this year, the 80th Anniversary of the Snipe. You can donate money for this project on-line at and at the same time you can be entering the raffle I’m holding. My Kickstarter project is titled “Traditions Build Winners as the Snipe turns 80”.

Here’s the url:… let’s everyone donate to the project, no matter what you can afford. If your donation is $25, it is just as valuable to reaching the goal of $7,500 as one of $500. Every donation counts. There are rewards at each level of participation that are outlined on the Kickstarter page. Please dig deep and help us complete the project.

Here’s how the raffle works. Between now and April 15 (For those in the US, that’s tax day), anyone who donates $250 will be entered in the drawing for Jerry’s boat. If you donate $500 you get two entries. $2,500 get’s you 10 entries. We only give away the boat if we reach the $7,500 Kickstarter threshold and I don’t get any money if we don’t reach our goal.

The Jerry’s boat is in sail away condition at the Alamitos Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach California. You can pick it up there, or we’ll help you get it to somewhere else, but it’s FOB at the club. It does not come with a trailer.

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