
South American Championship – Day 3
Porto Alegre, Brazil, March 30, 2024…
by SnipeToday
Porto Alegre, Brazil, March 29, 2024…
Porto Alegre, Brazil, March 28, 2024…
by Xandi Paradeda (originally published on Quantum sail consultant, sailmaker, and accomplished Snipe sailor, Xandi Paradeda, reflects on the development of the Snipe class over…
Porto Alegre, November 14-16, 2014 Roberto Paradeda and Lucas Mazim dominated the championship, winning 5 out of 6 races. (photo courtesy of Clube dos Jangadeiros)…
Xandi & Beto Paradeda e Antonio Bari & Paolo Lambertenghi Xandi & Beto Paradeda e Antonio Bari & Paolo Lambertenghi [iframe width=”300″ height=”250″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen ] Snipeit…