2024 SCIRA Decals
The 2024 SCIRA decals are ready to be displayed on the aft starboard side of your Snipes!…
The history of our Class is also the story of the decals that have been chosen by the Commodores in charge and have been shown on the starboard side of…
The 2022 decals are here! Please join SCIRA or renew your membership! The history of our Class is also the story of the decals that have been chosen by…
The history of our Class is also the story of the decals that have been chosen by the Commodores in charge and have been shown on the starboard side…
The history of our Class is also the story of the decals that have been chosen by the Commodores in charge and have been shown on the starboard side…
The 2019 decals are here! Please join SCIRA or renew your membership! Why Join the Snipe Class Association? Why it is so important to be SCIRA…
The 2018 decals are here! Please ask your National Secretary and join SCIRA or renew your membership! Why Join the Snipe Class Association? Why it…
By Gweneth Crook, SCIRA Commodore Happy New Year! I have heard that people are asking about the 2016 decals, who chose the colours? One of the duties of the…