Kostrena, Croatia: Snipes Training
https://www.facebook.com/1345252982188941/videos/305203290607760/ The Snipes are finally training in Kostrena, Croatia.
Snipes are sailing again after the lockdown in Gijon, Spain…
SCIRA Finland has received a Persson Snipe as a donation for promotion of the Class! Of course the boat needed to be tested before public use by proud sailors…
SCIRA European Secretary Reino Suonsilta is collecting the latest news from the European countries. Restrictions are slowly easing and the start of the sailing season is getting closer. Belgium:…
by Lisa Pline As the consequences of the COVID-19 cancellations sink in, many Snipe sailors are not only sad, but worried that our beloved class may not…
Just a bunch of Snipe sailors from around the world having some fun during a pandemic. The Snipetones: Harri Palm (Canada), Arthur Blodgett (USA), Reino Suonsilta (Finland), Kim Couranz…
A rose from my garden, a rose for the Class by Pietro Fantoni My latest article provoked many comments. I must say that I focused on a formal and procedural…
by Nicholas Grael Hello! I wanted to express my opinion regarding the changes in 2020 and 2021 major regattas. First of all, I totally agree with the postponement of…
Joseph Mallord William Turner – Storm at Venice by Pietro Fantoni – SCIRA member Last Friday, after a Thursday night meeting, SCIRA Board of Directors has made the…
Luciano Abruzzi, a doctor from Cremona and a passionate Snipe sailor, passed away on April 19, for a bronchitis that had taken over the coronavirus infection he had overcome.
By Pietro Fantoni More or less all regattas have been canceled due to the Coronavirus. The exceptions are very few. In some countries, such as Italy and Spain, any…
Zaoli Sails, PL Sails and Olimpic Sails are producing masks and face protector shields for the emergency Covid-19. Good job guys!…
The Regata Nazionale in Punta Ala, Italy (April 18-19) is canceled.
by Pietro Fantoni We are experiencing a strange, almost surreal period. We all have a great desire to race or simply go out on the boat to train, but…
SCIRA BOARD STATEMENT ON COVID-19 It is the position of the Snipe Class Board that with the current global virus, prudent decisions be made for the status of regattas…