Copa Skipper Snipe

Copa Skipper Snipe Image

Lake Tomine, Colombia, October 30, 2022. Final results after 5 races (1 discard):

  1. Esteban Echavarria & Juan Esteban Restrepo Vera, 4
  2. Daniel Castillo & Claudia Villegas, 11
  3. Santiago Uzcategui & Alejandra Osset, 14
  4. Juana Rojas Mayol & Juan Gabriel Sanchez, 15
  5. Felipe Castillo & Paula Andrea Sanchez, 16

Skipper Snipe regatta was held in Tominé lake, a two hours car ride away from the Colombian capital Bogotá, with a total of eleven boats participating. The first day of the event we were able to launch 2 regattas and the second day 3, for a total of 5.



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