Texas State Championship

Texas State Championship Image

Dallas, TX, USA, October 30, 2022. Final results after 7 races (1 discard):

  1. Gene Soltero & Laura O’Leary, 6
  2. John Buckley & mary Buckley, 17
  3. Joe Frey & Henry Frey, 18
  4. Jose Babilonia & Mildred Bautista, 22
  5. Doug Peckover & Ivana Alvarez, 31

Gene Soltero and Laura O’Leary won the championship.  Sean O’Leary won the coveted “Golden Boots Award” for the best costume.  Steve Luko and Emily Gomez as co-skippers won the “Best Newcomer” award.

Texas State Championship October 29-30, White Rock Lake, Dallas, Texas
Pos Sail #SkipperCrewR1R2R3R4R5R6R7Net
130777Gene SolteroLaura O’Leary111111(1)6
231636John BuckleyMary Buckley443222(8)17
329775Joe FreyHenry Frey(7)2435218
430049Jose BabiloniaMildred Bautista3553(5)3322
528099Doug PeckoverIvana Alvarez(DNS)26847431
6298179Tim TetschAkash Kalsekar734784(9)33
729540Art MatjePenny Koller59(10)586740
829908Jim StillsonKaty Stillson6679(DNS)6640
928369Taylon StarrDerek Morris(DNS)891099550
1030404Tim CapperAmy Jones(DNS)DNF867111054
1129817Steve TzhoneDunlop-Hurtado(DNS)1111DNSDNS101171
1227927 Gomez/LukoLuko/Gomez(DNS)10DNSDNSDNS121276
1329956A. MontgomeryJ. MontgomeryDNSDNSDNSDNSDNSDNS(DNS)84



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