Western Hemisphere & Orient Championship – Day 4

San Diego, September 11, 2014. Report by Carol Cronin (photo courtesy of John Payne) With a 2,5 today, Luis Soubie/Diego Mini Lipszyc (ARG) moved into the lead. So far this team is the only one not to fall out of the top ten, and with two races to go and one more drop race kicking in tomorrow, they are very close to clinching the championship. Today's racing moved back into South Bay for 2 races in 10-14 knots and flat water, a big transition from ocean sailing. Andrew Pimental/Nikki Bruno (USA) won the day with a 1,3, which jumped them up the standings to 11th overall. Only three other teams (besides Soubie/Lipszyc) posted two top ten finishes, showing the difficulty we all had being consistent in such a tight fleet. Tonight is an open night for teams, and a bonfire on the Shelter Island beach is planned. Tomorrow we head back to the ocean for the final two races. The forecast is very similar to today, so one more day of hiking hard before we all head home! ... full results, photo gallery and videos ...

Western Hemisphere & Orient Championship – Day 4 Image

San Diego, September 11, 2014. Report by Carol Cronin

(photo courtesy of John Payne)

With a 2,5 today, Luis Soubie/Diego Mini Lipszyc (ARG) moved into the lead. So far this team is the only one not to fall out of the top ten, and with two races to go and one more drop race kicking in tomorrow, they are very close to clinching the championship.

Today’s racing moved back into South Bay for 2 races in 10-14 knots and flat water, a big transition from ocean sailing. Andrew Pimental/Nikki Bruno (USA) won the day with a 1,3, which jumped them up the standings to 11th overall. Only three other teams (besides Soubie/Lipszyc) posted two top ten finishes, showing the difficulty we all had being consistent in such a tight fleet.

Tonight is an open night for teams, and a bonfire on the Shelter Island beach is planned.

Tomorrow we head back to the ocean for the final two races. The forecast is very similar to today, so one more day of hiking hard before we all head home!

… full results, photo gallery and videos …


Video: Past Commodores Jimmy Lowe and Don Bedford

Video: r7 gate rounding. Pimentel USA in lead

Video: First leeward rounding

Video: Second leeward rounding


Event’s website


ow/Sail   Boat   Skipper Yacht Club  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  Total Pos
15 / ARG28701   ARG28701   Luis Soubie/
Diego Mini Lipszyc  
YCO/CNZ/    3   [8]   8   2   1   2   2   5   23  
37 / BRA30997   Cachorrão   Breno Bianchi/
Flavio de Castro  
Rio de Janeiro IC/    6   2   7   1   2   11   5   [12]   34  
05 / PUR29841   PUR 29841   Raul Rios/
Fernando Monllor  
FVPR/    9   1   1   3   3   4   15   [26]   36  
42 / BRA31151      Alexandre Tinoco/
Alexandre Niederauer  
RCRS Ribera/    12   4   5   10   [17]   9   3   6   49  
07 / BRA31004   Guarda Patrimonial   Rafael Gagliotti/
Henrique Wisniewski  
Iate clube de santos/    [27]   27   10   4   5   5   9   4   64  
47 / USA30288   Danilu   Augie Diaz/
Aine McLean Fretwell  
CRYC/CGSC/    5   7   17   7   20   10   [28]   8   74  
19 / CUB31038      Raúl Díaz Herrera/
Rafael García Granados  
Cuba/    17   12   [21]   6   13   17   10   1   76  
32 / USA28687   C Cannibal BB-EE-JE   Chuck Sinks/
Robbie Dean  
SDYC/SFYC/    7   [30]   6   17   4   20   19   7   80T  
43 / USA30759   30759   Brian Kamilar/
Enrique Quintero  
Coral Reef YC/    23   6   14   5   6   [30]   11   15   80T  
06 / USA28854      Randy Lake/
Kate Sheahan  
SDYC/    2   3   19   16   24   [44/OCS]   6   16   86  
45 / USA31188   Jibe Tech   Andrew Pimental/
Nikki Bruno  
Sail Newport/    21   9   4   30   22   [31]   1   3   90  
30 / USA29941      Doug Hart/
Ryan Hopps  
MBYC/    1   5   15   23   [44/DNS]   18   20   14   96  
20 / BRA31066      Mateus Tavares/
Jonathan Lherke  
YCe da Bahia/    25   19   13   14   11   7   [44/OCS]   11   100T  
34 / USA30109      David Tillson/
Rebecca McElvain  
MBYC/    8   14   12   8   [31]   21   24   13   100T  
39 / USA30860   Spidey   Carol Cronin/
Kim Couranz  
Severn SA/    4   16   18   19   30   8   8   [31]   103  
03 / JPN28732   HITACHI Sailing Team   Ryohei Doi/
Keiichiro Itagaki  
Japan SF/Hitachi/    32   13   3   11   15   3   [36]   29   106  
18 / JPN31054   Charter Boat   Koji Kamiya/
Tatsuya Yamauchi  
NTT East YC/    15   31   2   12   23   [44/DSQ]   4   21   108  
01 / JPN30924      Takuya Shimamoto/
Keisuke Kushida  
Waseda U./    [28]   10   28   15   12   14   7   23   109  
27 / USA31130      Ernesto Rodriguez/
Eduardo Mintzias  
NA/    16   22   [25]   20   18   12   14   9   111  
46 / USA30800   Green Flash   Rick Arneson/
Diana Waterbury  
San Diego YC/    13   [32]   22   22   9   19   13   20   118  
31 / ECU31027   El Desleal   Edgar Diminich/
Eduardo Viteri  
CVL/FEY/MDD/SYC/    19   [36]   16   28   8   28   22   10   131  
08 / CUB29517      Raúl Faura Nieto/
José Piña Nieto  
Cuba/    36   21   20   [37]   19   1   12   25   134  
26 / BRA30996   La Maquina   Felipe Sabino/
Bernardo Sarzedas  
rio yatch club/    37   25   26   24   7   [44/DSQ]   18   2   139  
23 / USA30337   Quantum Racing   Eric Heim/
Aimee Heim  
San Diego YC/    22   23   9   13   [28]   27   23   24   141T  
10 / JPN31134      Motoharu Nishii/
Tomohisa Nakamura  
CYUBU/    11   20   11   32   34   [36]   16   17   141T  
14 / JPN30353      Kosuke Demichi/
Shun Yanagibayashi  
DUYC/    18   15   23   36   [44/OCS]   13   17   19   141T  
22 / ECU31037      Jesus Bailon Reyes/
Iberth Constante  
Manta YC/    10   18   31   18   [33]   26   21   22   146  
24 / BRA31113   LORD   Helio Lyra de Aquino Jr./
João Pedro Moreira  
ICRJ/IC Rio de Janeiro/    29   28   30   9   10   15   [37]   28   149  
04 / USA29778   Batura   Roberto Guaragna/
Andre Guaragna  
Miami/    [40]   11   29   33   14   32   26   18   163  
25 / JPN30722   JPN30722   Genya Ozaki/
Kawano Motomichi  
Konan Univercity/    14   29   35   [38]   21   6   29   36   170  
33 / PER31150      Diego Figueroa/
Alonso Collantes  
Club Regatas Lima/    33   17   32   [38/ZFP]   25   22   25   27   181  
28 / COL30718      Esteban Echavarria/
Juan Esteban Restrepo Vera  
4 Vientos/    20   [44/DSQ]   27   25   16   29   35   33   185  
41 / USA30903      Cameron Fraser/
Elizabeth Glivinski  
Medford BC/    31   [35]   34   21   29   25   31   30   201  
21 / JPN30844      Kento Hashimoto/
Kazuki Murayama  
Ritsumeikan Univ/    24   33   [40]   26   37   16   30   40   206  
09 / USA28858   Seagle   Nicholas Kaschak/
Krystal Treiberg  
San Diego YC/    26   24   39   34   26   24   39   [44/OCS]   212  
36 / USA29013      Chris Wright/
Lauren Wright  
Mission Bay YC/    30   34   24   27   [35]   33   34   34   216  
17 / BAH28811   Breaking Wind   Jimmie Lowe/
Don Bedford  
Royal Nassau SC/    34   26   36   [40]   36   23   33   35   223  
35 / COL29651      Carolina Ponton/
Nicolas Hernandez  
Club de V. Cartagena/    [42]   38   37   31   27   35   27   37   232  
11 / BRA31159      Matheus Franca/
Daniel Seixas Claro  
Rio YC/    39   37   38   39   32   34   [44/DNF]   32   251  
44 / ARG31222   Quimera   Alejandro Triggiano/
Mariana Safar  
CR Guemes Salta/    35   42   33   42   [44/DSQ]   38   32   38   260  
40 / MEX30330      Alfonso Garcia Bringas/
Javier Garcia Bringas Rivera  
Porto Bravo/    38   41   41   35   38   [44/DNF]   41   42   276  
02 / USA28470   Red Lady   Stephan Irgens/
Monica Irgens  
CCSA/    [43]   40   42   41   40   37   40   39   279  
38 / CAN29318   Mister Bear   Christopher Hains/
Barbara Mann  
Guelph Comm. BC/    41   39   [43]   43   39   39   38   41   280  


– Scoring System is RRS Low Point 2013-2016
– Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts
– Click on race number to view detailed race information.




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