The SCIRA Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to move all major events scheduled for 2020 to the 2021 racing season due to the global pandemic.

The following events are now being scheduled to be held in 2021 close to the original scheduled dates:
• Snipe Europeans
• Master Worlds
• Western Hemisphere & Orient Championship
• Women Worlds

As a result, the Snipe Worlds in Japan and Junior Worlds in Portugal will be moved one year forward, from 2021 to 2022.

Effectively this means that for 2020 there will be no major regattas and from now on the rotation grid for these events is moved one year forward. So, from now on the Worlds are held on even year, Europeans and WH&O in odd years, etc. respectively for all major events.


With the uncertainty of the pandemic and organizers and sailors also uncertain of the status of events, the SCIRA Board wanted, after careful consideration, to ensure a fair and safe opportunity for the sailors to participate the events. Also, to ensure that the regatta organizers have adequate time available for planning, preparation and fundraising.

Currently, strict COVID-19 restrictions are in place all over the world. Although there are signs of potential easing up of restrictions on travel and public meetings, the timing of this is uncertain and varies country by country. Getting back to business as usual will take long time. Uncertainty on if the events will take place is as challenging for the organizers as well as for sailors.

The move of Olympic Games from 2020 to 2021 has made it impossible for Japan to organize the Snipe Worlds in 2021 as scheduled. This is because the venue is the same as for the Olympics.

Of additional concern is that most of these major regattas are also qualifiers for the Worlds, so it is important to keep the system intact.

General economic and health situations with airline restrictions is making it likely, that people are less capable and willing to travel throughout this year. Restrictions for travel and public gatherings will ease up, but the timing will vary country by country. This puts sailors in uneven position regarding preparation and training and travelling.


We are now experiencing a very different year than we anticipated. 2020 will be a year of going Back to Basics.

When we are again allowed to sail together and travel, we should focus on activities close to our home bases. When the time is right and it is safe, let’s ramp up the local fleet activity, organize smaller scale regattas, set up local training camps and clinics.

If possible, we should organize National Championships, even in a smaller scale or later in the season than usual.

We will manage these challenges together and come out stronger and more united. Let’s support and motivate each other, first virtually and later face to face. Let’s also support the Snipe Class by continuing to pay dues to keep the wheels rolling.

Sooner or later we will be back to Serious Sailing and Serious Fun. Until that keep safe.

SCIRA Board of Governors
April 2020



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