Quantum Reveals Twin-Skinned Mainsail

After avidly watching all the innovations dreamed up by 2021 America’s Cup sail designers, Quantum’s Carter Cameron is bringing the twin-skinned mainsail back to the Snipe Class—and improving it further, of course.
“Soon as the America’s Cup ended, I pinged all my friends who knew anything about that main,” the sailmaker told us in an exclusive interview for SnipeToday. “By midnight, I had enough info to get started, and I was too excited to sleep. So I went right to the loft and stitched two Snipe mains back to back. The next day, we tested it against the single mainsail and it was twice as fast—though impossible to read two sets of overlapping sail numbers, so that was the first improvement I did for the second prototype.”
The rules will have to be adapted before this new speedy design can be used for racing, Cameron admits. “But now that I’m in San Diego, I’m sure I can talk Gus Wirth around.”
And if you, like the editors, can’t see the difference in the photo, that’s okay. “Just trust us to build you the fastest sails,” Cameron says, adding that even though the Quantum website has not yet been updated to include this innovative new design, he will build one for anyone who’s ready to try it. “I want all my Snipe friends to be as fast as I am, and this is the way forward for the Snipe Class!”
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