Nassau Scores
Scores from Nassau, sent in by Juha Lehtinen (FIN).
Photos from Clearwater (courtesy Peter Forde).
Report in Spanish (Results below) LOS HERMANOS SÁNCHEZ FERRER Y TABARES/HERRERA EN CABEZA DEL OPEN NACIONAL DE SNIPE - Las tripulaciones murciana y canaria están empatadas a puntos - Se…
The third Spanish Open starts today in Santiago de la Ribera. Here, the "Italian report": Primo giorno a Santiago de la Ribera per l'Open Nacional di Spagna. E'…
Great shots from Miami (courtesy Marco Oquendo) For more photos visit the site Marco Oquendo Photography…
Nassau delivered big breeze for the second day of the Bacardi Cup. Winning crew Dante Bianchi reported, “Bahamas is amazing!!! Wonderful hot and clean water, a good wind and nice…
Open Nacional de España. Santiago de la Ribera, March, 22-25, 2012. Real Club de Regatas Santiago de la Ribera. Anuncio de Regatas III OPEN NACIONAL…
Two races were completed in 17 knots today, in spite of some bent masts and rigging damage. Bruno Bethlem/Dante Bianchi (BRA) won both races and are just ahead of…
Antwerp, March 17-18, 2012. Antwerp Snipe Cup is one of the best organized events of the snipe sailing year!.. this year 22 snipes contested the trophy , enough to fill…
Snipe Bulletin – Spring 2012…
Bacardi Cup, Gamblin & Kelly Nassau, Bahamas, March 20 – 24, 2012. Royal Nassau Sailing Club…
Alejandro Fresneda y Eliezer Fernández, del Club de Mar de Almería, acapararon hoy casi todos los títulos en liza en la regata del 70 Trofeo S.M. El Rey para la…
One race today – 8-10 knots. Final results: 1. BRA Bruno Bethlem & Dante Bianchi 2. USA Augie Diaz & Kathleen Tocke 3. PUR Raul Rios & Manuel Inserni…
Day 2 of the DonQ offered similar conditions to day one: 9-15 knots of NE that rewarded staying in the pressure. With one race to go, Augie Diaz/Kathleen Tocke (Miami,…
Miami, March 16th 2012. Two races today in the Biscayne Bay. 9-15 knots. Quotes: Eric Heim: “Perfect Miami day. Thunderstorms over the city, sea brezze and big chop. The…