Rule Change Proposal: 24-22 Class Rules VHF radio

Rule Change Proposal: 24-22 Class Rules VHF radio Image

According to the Decision Making Process,

  • Rules changes can be submitted up to 1st March.
  • All proposals will be published on the website.
  • The period from March to June will be used for public discussion and also for the Rules Committee recommendations.
  • The Board will vote all submission on July.
  • The approved changes will be sent to World Sailing (August) for final approval (November).

Discussion Forum here on SnipeToday (you can leave comments)



Cesar TR
03/08/2024 -

I totally disagree with this proposal because it opens the door for cheating. Is there any way to control what channel is used by a competitor or what information he is receiving? The answer is no.
If the concern is safety, I think that wearing a PFD is a key equipment and I do not see any proposal to make mandatory wearing PFD while on the water. That should be first step instead of radios.
On the other hand, to say that the NS has allowed the use of radios for the last 2 Nationals is unfortunate. From the Constitution, Section 32: [...]"The National Secretary shall not have powers to interpret the restrictions of the Class, such work to be entirely done by the Technical Committee, [...]" and proposal 22-18, when the Board made a firm statement by rejecting it. The NS has no authority to change a Class Rule or make an interpretation within his/her country.

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Evan Hoffmann
03/29/2024 -

If you find someone cheating then protest them.

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Cesar TR
03/08/2024 -

I totally disagree with this proposal. How is going to be controlled that a competitor is not using the radio for other purposes (coach, another boat racing, etc)? There is no way and cheaters will see an opportunity here.
Also, if safety is the concern on which this proposal is based, why there is not any proposal to make wearing a PFD mandatory while on the water? PFD is key and the first level of safety equipment, so, in my opinion, that would go first, before allowing the radio.

On the other hand, to say publicly that the NS does not follow the rules is very unfortunate. I would suggest to review the Constitution - Section 32: […] The NS shall not have powers to interpret restrictions of the class […] and proposal 22-18 where the Board made its position clear by rejecting it.
The NS is the representative of the Class in his/her country and shall follow the rules; otherwise, a resign should be appropriate.

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Evan Hoffmann
03/30/2024 -

Hi Caesar,

I appreciate your note and happy to have a discussion. In no way have we broken the rules, rather, we have used the SCIRA NOR the way it is written. I’m suggesting we match the class rules to the NOR. Further, quick communication can save a life in the case of a medical emergency. We have a self governing sport built on integrity. Anyone who uses a radio for advantage, while racing, should be subject to rule 2 with an escalation to rule 69 for suspension from our sport. If cheating is your biggest concern, I suggest we change the class culture to discourage those individuals from doing so.

Thank you,

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Ricardo Lobato
03/11/2024 -

I wholeheartedly support the notion of carrying a communication tool for safety. Such a device, however, should not be used during racing. Instead, it should be securely stored in a black plastic bag. This communication tool could take the form of a mobile phone or a VHF radio. I support a new proposal for next year.

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Ricardo Lobato
03/11/2024 -

On the other hand, I am not fond of the idea of a Race Committee (RC) committee communicating via radio with a portion of the fleet...

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Jose Pérez
03/12/2024 -

Se podría autorizar llevar a bordo cualquier aparato de comunicación durante la regata, pero tendría que portarse en el interior de una bolsa precintada por el Comité técnico y este sería el encargado de quitar el precito al llegar a tierra después de terminar.
Esto aunque sería una dificultad añadida a nuestros eventos, pero aportaría la seguridad indicada.

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Ricardo Lobato
03/14/2024 -

We don´t need to check all mobile fones. This could be made using the normal after race random inspection check. The mobile fone register all calls and messages and could be easier to check any possible rule break.

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Evan Hoffmann
03/30/2024 -

The proposal is specific for safety. I’m not at all suggesting communication during the race.

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Alexandre Tinoco
03/14/2024 -

I do NOT support this proposal, same reasons explained by Cesar (above).

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Antonio Bari
03/15/2024 -

Safety is important and the use of a vhf might be necessary is some circumstances. The proposed rule adds the vhf (which in some countries requires a licence) to the optional portable equipment.
I would amend the proposal to: “a vhf or any other portable device for safety requirements only if included in the NoR, to be used under RRS 37”. This text should prevent events in which some sailors have a vhf (which is optional) and some not, even if not requested by the NoR, with possible cheating.

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Nick Grael
04/04/2024 -

I totally agree with this proposal. Other classes such as the Star class, J70 and others already have allowed the VHF, not only for safety, but for the RC to call for OCS boats.

Taking the UFD or BFD boats out of the races they overcrossed the start is good for everyone: good for those who were over, because they save material, save their bodies for other races, avoid the disappointment of discovering you were UFD or BFD on a good race. If it is OCS, the boat still has the chance of returning and starting again.

It is also good for those who were not over, because the race gets cleaner.

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Nick Pellicano Grael
04/04/2024 -

Very good proposal

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José Pérez Morales
04/18/2024 -

Insisto en mi total desacuerdo. Lamentablemente no todos lo utilizarían solo para asuntos de seguridad y por supuesto, hay clases en las que se aceptan estas herramientas y pueden incluso ser necesarias, pero no es así en la Clase Snipe

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