New SCIRA Countries and New Fleets – Rule Change Proposal
Rules Change - Submitted Proposals Please leave a comment or send us an email to [email protected] ...

Rules Change – Submitted Proposals
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From[1]: Pietro Fantoni – SCIRA Vice Commodore
Email: [email protected]
Summary: New SCIRA Countries and new Fleets
Constitution By-Laws Class Rules
Deed of Gift Rules of Conduct NoR or SI Template
According to the current SCIRA Constitution whenever there are five or more boats of the Class, all built to conform to the rules, a Fleet may be formed. A new Fleet may organize with a three-boat minimum under a temporary charter for one year; the second year, they can have an official fleet with only four boats; the third year, five boats or no fleet.
Snipe sailors from a small/new country cannot form a fleet and cannot form a new SCIRA country.
Times have changed and while fleets are important, we need more people sailing snipes, even in small and new country where there aren’t Snipe fleets. We need to be inclusive and to welcome in our organization new sailors and new countries.
The proposal consists of creating a “special status” for small/new SCIRA country (they can form a fleet and become SCIRA country even with only one boat).
Proposal (include current & proposed changed wording- changes to be shown in red): Example: By Laws: Section 1. Racing Season
The official racing sailing season of this Association shall extend for the full twelve months of the year starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st.
Section 6. Organization
The Association shall consist of members usually organized into Fleets. These may be members of one Yacht Club or where more practical, from several yacht clubs in an area. A member may be unattached to a regular Snipe Fleet where formation of an official Fleet is impracticable.
Section 7. Charters
A new Fleet may be granted a charter and Fleet number from the Association upon application to the Executive Director through the National Secretary. Such application can only be made after the Fleet has been provisionally organized and the necessary Fleet officers and measurer elected to office in accordance with the SCIRA Rule Book. A charter may be refused by the Association.
Section 8. Charter Renewal
Each Fleet number shall be assigned according to the order of application and the charter shall be automatically renewed from year to year until revoked by the Association.
Section 9. Fleet Formation
Whenever there are five or more boats of the Class, all built to conform to the rules, a Fleet may be formed. Such fleets shall be headed by a Fleet Captain, elected by the members. There shall be a Measurer or Measurement Committee for each Fleet, also elected by the members. Meetings may be called by the Fleet Captain either at regular intervals or at the request of three or more members of such Fleets. A quorum shall consist of at least 50% plus one of the members that have paid dues for the current year. Vacancies occurring among the officers of a Fleet shall be filled by an election as soon as possible after the vacancy. In other respects each Fleet shall be entirely self-governing except in matters conflicting with the rules of the Class. It is recommended that Fleet officers be elected for a 2-year term, taking office January 1st of each even-numbered year.
A new Fleet may organize with a three-boat minimum under a temporary charter for one year; the second year, they can have an official fleet with only four boats; the third year, five boats or no fleet; the charter to be granted by the Association.
A new Fleet can be formed in a new SCIRA country regardless the number of boats. Departing from Section 7, such Fleet may be granted a charter and Fleet number from the Association upon application to the Executive Director through the Board of Director. Such “special status” lasts until another fleet will be formed in that Country.
To be inclusive and to promote our Class in small and new countries.
Have new and more SCIRA Countries and new Fleets is a good advertising for the Class. In the sailing community.
More countries means more Snipe sailors potentially interested in sailing and buying Snipes.
[1]Proposals can be made by the Board, Technical Committee, National Secretaries or 5 fleet captains up to 1st March.
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