Measurement Certificate – Rule Change Proposal

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Rules Change – Submitted Proposals

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From[1]:        Antonio Bari                                 

Email:         [email protected]    


Summary:   to add specifications about the issue of the Measurement Certificate and eventual duplicate




     Constitution                       By-Laws                   Class Rules

     Deed of Gift               Rules of Conduct        NoR or SI Template          




Objective : to clarify the passages needed to obtain the Measurement Certificate or its duplicate

                  To give better control to the National Secretaries on the boats management

                  To comply with the Snipe Class Rules (Certification Authority)



Proposal (include current & proposed changed wording- changes to be shown in red):   Example: By Laws: Section 1. Racing Season

   The official racing sailing season of this Association shall extend for the full twelve months of the year starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st.


Section 5. Measurement and Measurement Certificate
Each boat, to be eligible to race, must hold a Measurement Certificate of Measurement recommended by the Measurer and approved by the Rules Committee of the Association. To obtain such a Certificate the boat must be examined by the Measurer who shall report his findings on a Snipe Class Measurement Data Sheet (MDS) currently approved by the Rules Committee. If the boat complies in all respects the Measurer shall fill out a the Measurement Data Sheet (MDS) and send one copy of the same to the National Secretary with the owner’s current dues and the original to SCIRA Office. The owner then becomes a member of the Association and will receive the Measurement Certificate from his/her National Secretary.

Section 9. Lost Measurement Certificate
If an owner should loose the Measurement Certificate for his boat, application should be made to the Fleet Measurer or the National Secretary SCIRA office for a new one. The National Secretary will then issue the duplicate.


[1]Proposals can be made by the Board, Technical Committee, National Secretaries or 5 fleet captains up to 1st March.




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