Constitution – Rule Change Proposal

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Rules Change – Submitted Proposals

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From[1]:        the Board of Governors                                          

Email:         [email protected]   


Summary:  to update the Constitution




     Constitution                       By-Laws                   Class Rules

     Deed of Gift               Rules of Conduct        NoR or SI Template          




Objective :          to add criteria of Nationality representation

to add Board of Governors meetings thorugh tele conferencing of videoconferencing

to add sanctions against officers in case of negligences or gross violations of the rules or gross miscounduct

                  to update old outdated wording to the most recent rules



Proposal (include current & proposed changed wording- changes to be shown in red):   Example: By Laws: Section 1. Racing Season

   The official racing sailing season of this Association shall extend for the full twelve months of the year starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st.


Section 12. Fleet Reports

   Each Fleet Captain should be responsible for the filing with the National Secretary of complete results of the organized regattas. at least five Point Scoring Races each year upon the form approved by the Association.


Section 18. Nationaliyt representation

  Once a Fleet is chartered and a National Secretary is elected, a Country is recognised by the Association.

To represent a Nation, a Member shall be associated to that Country’s Association and citizen or bona fide resident from at least one year of the Country he/she represents.


Section 23. Board of Governors

   23.1b Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings and supervise the Association’s system of forms and records for all members. The Secretary will oversee membership trends and patterns and report to the Board. The Secretary will serve 2 years, with the possibility to be reelected, but cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms. The WS Representative will report to the Secretary.

   23.2 Non-Voting Members: There shall be three (3) additional members comprised of Legal Counsel, WS Representative, and Executive Director.

   23.2a Conflict of Interest:No member of the Board of Governors (voting or non-voting) shall be engaged in building Snipes, sails or equipment professionally.

   23.2c World Sailing Representative: The WS Representative is charged with attending the WS meetings andrepresenting the Snipe Class in all matters that arise with WS and providing an annual report to the Boardof Governors. The term of office for the WS Representative shall begin January 1, 2009 for 4 years toend in Olympic years. SCIRA shall fund the expenses of the WS Representative to the Annual WSmeetings; said funding to include coach class airfare to two WS meetings per year (if necessary) and expenses not to exceed $500 per meeting.

   23.3 Board Meetings: Bi-annual meetings shall be held in conjunction with the absolute World Championship to facilitate attendance.A quorum shall be an absolute majority of the voting Board of Governors in attendance. The Commodore, when petitioned by an absolute majority of the members of the Board of Governors, shall call an official meeting of the Board of Governors. The Commodore shall choose a time and place for the meeting, which shall be held within three months if petitioned, and the Executive Director shall give notice to all members of the Board of Governors at least thirty days in advance. The Commodore, even when petitioned by another member of the Board of Governors, can call a meeting of the Board of Governors through tele conferencing or video conferencing. The Commodore shall choose a date and a time according to the needs of the other members, and the Executive Director shall give notice to all members of the Board of Governors at least seven days in advance. For all meetings, the Executive Director shall present the current agenda for consideration at the meeting. Except as provided herein, items may be added and voted upon provided each receives an absolute majority of votes of the entire Board of Governors. Items already on the agenda may be amended and voted upon by a majority of those present. Any item as amended by the meeting, which fails to receive a majority vote of those present but mathematically could receive a majority of the whole Board of Governors must be retained on the agenda at the request of any member present at the meeting. The Executive Director shall publish an accurate and fair summary of the agenda of the Board of Governors on the web page and shall report the status and disposition of all items. The Executive Director shall report a summary of the Board of Governors deliberations to the membership as accurately as possible.

   Section 23.4 Meeting Agenda: The Executive Director shall maintain an agenda for the Board of Governors. Members of the Board of Governors may place items on the agenda by submission to the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall place on the agenda as tentative items those actions necessary for the administration of the Class. Any National Secretary shall have the right to place tentative items on the agenda. Any five fleet captains may, with a signed petition, have the right to place tentative items on the agenda. All motions placed for action before the Board of Governors, and whose enactment or implementation shall impact the Constitution and or the By-laws of the Corporation, shall require the motion maker to attach as part of that motion a complete schedule of those specific sections of the Constitution or By-Laws which would be affected by the passage of the motion. Any motion so considered without the required section citing may be either rejected by the Board of Governors or tabled until the required information is attached to the motion.

   All proposals related to the Class Measurement Rules and Restrictions must first be referred to the International Rules Committee, which shall report out the proposal and its advice. This proposal shall become an item of the next agenda.


Section 27. Removal from Office, Suspension, Expulsion

   27.1 Removal from Office:In cases where officers of this Association or of a Fleet have been proven to be remiss in their duties, they may be removed from office upon vote of the Board of Governors.

   27.2 Suspension: A member may be suspended by the voting member of the Board of Governors for gross violation of the rules or for unsportsmanlike conduct, or, after due warning, for willful and persistent disregard of rulings. The duration of a suspension is fixed by the Board of Governors, but may not exceed Board’s own term of office unless the suspension is extended by the succeeding Board of Governors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a suspension may be terminated by majority vote at an annual meeting.

  27.3 Expulsion: A member may be expelled only by 5/7 vote at an annual Board meeting..


Section 30. Amendments

     Proposed amendments to Constitution or By-Laws, changes to Class Rules, etc. must be submitted to the Executive Director not later than March 1st of each year for consideration by the Board of Governors and Rules Committee. Amendments to the Class Rules are subject to approval of WS in accordance with WS Regulations.

[1]Proposals can be made by the Board, Technical Committee, National Secretaries or 5 fleet captains up to 1st March.





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