1994 Snipe North American Championship Report and Results

Editor's Note: The 2016 North Americans writeup reminded Alex Pline of the report he wrote about the 1994 Snipe North Americans, which were also sailed out of Severn Sailing Assocation in Annapolis. Many things have changed, but the legendary camaraderie remains, more than two decades later—and many of the 1994 participants (including winners Bryan Fishback and Lorie Stout) also sailed in the 2016 event.  ...

1994 Snipe North American Championship Report and Results Image

Editor’s Note: The 2016 North Americans writeup reminded Alex Pline of the report he wrote about the 1994 Snipe North Americans, which were also sailed out of Severn Sailing Assocation in Annapolis. Many things have changed, but the legendary camaraderie remains, more than two decades later—and many of the 1994 participants (including winners Bryan Fishback and Lorie Stout) also sailed in the 2016 event. 


1994 Snipe North Americans
Hosted by the Severn Sailing Association/Eastport Yacht Club, Annapolis MD 
September 21-25
Sailed on the Chesapeake Bay 

Registration, measurement and a practice race were held on Wednesday, September 21st. Thursday morning brought cool temperatures and rain as a trough of low pressure moved up the east coast. The fleet of 62 sailed out to the starting area in a 15 to 20 knot northeasterly breeze. During the pre-race configuration of the course, the breeze built to 20-25 knots and eventually over 25 knot forcing the abandonment of racing and a return to shore (november-hotel).

As the day progressed, the rain became steadily harder and the breeze stronger forcing cancellation of the day’s racing at 2:00 pm. That evening the breeze built to a steady 40 with higher gusts causing a major power outage in the Annapolis area. Luckily the awesome reggae band “Mama Jama” was able to pull off an “unplugged” performance with lots of percussion and horns, so that no fun and dancing were missed during the evenings festivities despite the power outage.

Friday brought moderating breezes of 12 to 18 knots from the west northwest and three olympic courses were completed. The power was still out at the club in the morning so that the boats were all launched by either backing the trailers up to the retaining wall, tilting the trailers and dumping the boats into the water or carrying them down a floating dock to the water. As is typical of the Snipe class members, all pitched in get the boats in the water on time for the racing. Consistency seemed to be a problem in the shifty breeze, except for Bryan Fishback who took a commanding lead. Luckily the power was restored by the time the boats hit the dock. Most of the tired competitors fended for themselves that evening and patronized the Annapolis eateries for some of the local tuck.

As competitors arrived at the club on Saturday morning, they were greeted with thoughts of drifting all day. As they sailed (drifted) out to the start a light easterly breeze filled in. As the day wore on the breeze veered to the southeast and three windward/leeward courses were completed allowing for a drop race. The breeze was 5 to 10 knots but it was tough going when the typical weekend “wash cycle” was started due to pleasure boat traffic in the area. Even though, Annapolis local Fishback was again consistent and didn’t need to race the last race.

The top ten positions ended up somewhat jumbled from the previous day, with Argyle Campbell from Southern California showing the most gain and moving up to second place, qualifying for the 1995 World Championship in Italy, as Bryan Fishback had qualified through a previous regatta. An awards banquet was held that evening at a local restaurant with many competitors retiring to Marmadukes pub to finish off the evening.

On Sunday a team race was held with many of the regatta participants. Prior to the racing Doug Clark, former Naval Academy Coach, and team racing guru Gavin O’Hare held a seminar for both those new to and already familiar with the team racing strategies. Four teams of three competed in two rounds of racing on the Severn River, near the SSA grounds. It was hoped to hold the racing in Spa Creek directly off the SSA grounds to facilitate spectating but, unfortunately, the breeze did not cooperate so the venue was moved into the Severn, typically where the Naval Academy holds its racing. Eventually the breeze filled in to about 10 knots, a perfect strength for team racing. The racing was fast and furious with boathandling and team racing tactics eventually deciding the winning team. The “white” team consisting of John Manderson, Scott Nixon and Kin Yellott and crews were the victors. 

More photos and results

Top 20 of 62 competitors pl. sail# bow#  skipper/crew         race 1 race 2 race 3 race 4 race 5 race 6  total 1.  28575 53    Fishback/Stout          .75      2      3      2      3 -62DNC  10.75 2.  28468 48    Campbell/Graham           4    -30      2      5      2   16    29 3.  27568 52    Little/McKeever           5    -19      5      7     16  .75    33.75 4.  28050 54    Clark/Stout               3    -22     18      3      9    3    36 5.  28440 37    Pimentall/Tysan          19      8    .75     15    .75 -58PMS  43.5 6.  25949 61    Coleman/Craig            15    -32     11    .75     17    2    45.75 7.  14888 41    Dickinson/Foggo           6     l3      7     10     11 -52DNF  47.00 8.  25048 32    Tillson/Duffy            11     15      6     11    -2O    6    49 9.  27092 14    Callison/Shea             2    -35     17      4      4   22    49 10. 28702 34    Franco/Sturman           12     14 -65PMS     13      8    4    51 11. 28094 16    Filter/Newman             9      9      4     17    -22   13    52 12. 26165 29    Nixon/Rosemont            8    .75    -19     18      7   19    52.75 13. 24709 55    Thompson/Shilling         7     16      8    -20     10   18    59 14. 28989 55    Rozelle/Wolford          41      3 -65PMS      8      5    9    66 15. 27872 04    Bustamante/Bustamante    16     11    -26     12     14   14    67 16. 28655 17    Gilreath/Carscaddon      13     28     13      6    -33    7    67 17. 26926 74    Pline/Lorenz             24    -36     16     19     13   21    93 18. 28044 25    Lorson/Lorson            20     10     10     14     40 -58PMS  94 19. 24605 39    Davis/Rossi              37     25 -59DNF     22      6    5    95 20. 28142 12    Beaton/Schreyer          10     27     15 -64PMS     32   12    96 



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