Snipe Class and Class Promotion – 3

By Carol Cronin, SnipeToday co-editor Previous articles: Snipe Class and Class Promotion, Snipe Class and Class Promotion 2 .... We continue to receive reports and suggestions from countries and Snipe sailors. We will try to summarize what we received .........

Snipe Class and Class Promotion – 3 Image

By Carol Cronin, SnipeToday co-editor

Previous articles:

Snipe Class and Class Promotion,

Snipe Class and Class Promotion 2

…. We continue to receive reports and suggestions from countries and Snipe sailors. We will try to summarize what we received …..


From Antonio Gil Buendía, SCIRA National Secretary Spain

Antonio says:

“I would like to add to the discussion the Spanish experience as everything works well in spite of current economic conditions. Last year’s registered boats were lower than preceding year (207 against 272), but in spite of that the participation in the main events was bigger. Our Senior National Championship had 70 boats (15 juniors), and the National Open had 90 boats. We had several successful International championships, including the Masters’ Worlds with 77 boats (14 countries) and the Women’s Worlds with 21 boats.”

Ideas that have worked in Spain:

1. Organize attractive events (good social amenities, serious sailing with experienced race committees and high quality facilities and resources)

2. Work with young sailors coming from Optimist, Cadet etc. Supply boat and even a crew.

3. Bring back former Snipe sailors, attract sailors from other classes

4. Keep the fleet updated through the web page, mailings.


Ideas from Bjorn Sundby, Norway

1. Get new Snipe sailors into the boat, and help them in all possible ways.

2. Get regatta onlookers (family, friends) out in a Snipe and teach them to crew.

3. Find out which sailors are willing to give of his/her time to help and assist in organizing snipe activities, beyond the time spent on sailing, and delegate responsibilities to that person/persons.

4. Reach out to inactive owners, try to get them out and into snipe activities again.

5. Include articles in the the Snipe Bulletin about marketing and promotional ideas.

6. Send reminders by text, social media, or email about upcoming meetings and regattas. Pass around who needs a crew, who wants to crew, and keep it updated.

Related articles:

Snipe Class and Class Promotion

Snipe Class and Class Promotion 2

Miami Snipe Invitational: Phenomenal Introduction to the Snipe fleet

Traveling Snipe Fleet

Snipe is Cool

Invite Them and They will Come

Snipe Class: difference between USA and Italy



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