European Championship Open

Dear Friends, I'm really glad that the Board have accepted the will of the majority of NSs Europe and opened the next Europeans.It was the initiative of the founder of DoG, Scira Italy, which I full supported. I think it is a step in the good direction which will attract a great number of participants and popularize the Snipe Class in Europe. ...

European Championship Open Image

Dear Friends,

I’m really glad that the Board have accepted the will of the majority of NSs Europe and opened the next Europeans.
It was the initiative of the founder of DoG, Scira Italy, which I full supported. I think it is a step in the good direction which will attract a great number of participants and popularize the Snipe Class in Europe.

The next Open European Championship ( Junior and Senior) will be held in Kamien Pomorski on 14-24August 2014.( POLAND) . I would like to invite all of you to this event.

Please circulate this message to all Snipe sailors in your countries.

Best wishes

Zbigniew Rakocy
General Secretary Europe


SnipeToday, after the last Europeans in Cervia, hosted the opinions of SCIRA Secretary and other sailors (123).

After an interesting exchange of opinions, SCIRA National Secretaries voted in favor of the proposal submitted by SCIRA Italy and the Board of Governors ratified the decision of opening the Europeans.

European Championship Trophy D.o.G.



Miguel Bunte da Graça
04/18/2013 -

I'm sorry to tell you, but it is a very bad decision.

1. Snipe sailing in national level will decrees, as there is no need for classification races in the countries.
2. Teams that intend do go to the Europeans, will also loose financial support from their National Sailing Associations, as there are no classification races.
3. Less dues will be sold

The right way to have more teams in the Europeans, considering that 50% of the Fleet in Europe have mixed crews, is:

1. maximum 2x races a day
2. 1x rest day
3. to cut expenses remove the measurement days, also to gain a day for the rest day
4. make a good social program with Happy Hours after races and Dinners
5. schedule the Europeans outside height season, so that travel and hotel coast will be less expensive

The board shouldn't have approved this decision and I hope it will be reanalyzed

Good winds

Miguel Graça
(former Portuguese National Secretary)

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Antoni o Bari
05/21/2013 -

The proposal to open the European Championship has been widely discussed among the National Secretaries. Any of them submitted his opinion and the opinion of the members of his nation. Some were against, and the motivations were approx the same outlined by Miguel. Some, the majority, were in favour for the same reasons, but seen from a different point of view. The Board approved the new DOG after the vote among the European National Secretaries which was in favour of the change.
I don't believe it's correct to re-consider the decision before at least one championship has been sailed with the new rules. Just see what will happen in the next years. What we are supposing will be is often different from what will really be.

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