UK Nationals
Lake Bala, Wales, UK, August 6, 2023…
Lake Bala, UK, August 5, 2023…
If you would like to follow the Marlin Spike Rum UK Snipe Nationals and Open 2023 taking place at Bala SC North Wales, please click on the link below when…
Lake Bala, UK, August 4, 2019. Final results after 7 races (2 discards): Alan Williams & Liz Pike, 10 Peter Wolstenholme & Jenna Gibson, 10 Matthew Wolstenholme & Lloyd…
Lake Bala, UK, August 3, 2019. Results after 3 races: Peter Wolstenholme & Jenna Gibson, 4 Erwin Evaerart & Griet Mertens, 9 Alan William & Liz Pike, 11 Ian…
Lake Bala, UK, August 2, 2019. No racing due to a lack of wind.
So the exciting news is that the 2019 National Championships is to be held over the weekend of 2nd – 4th August at Lake Bala in Wales. This is…