Campeonato Sul Brasileiro

Campeonato Sul Brasileiro Image

Lagoa dos Esteves, Brazil, September 7, 2021. Final results after 7 races (1 discard):

  1. Daniel P de Matos/Liana Fragoso, 11
  2. Felipe S Linhares/Andreis Costa, 11
  3. Adriano Santos/Gustavo Machado, 19
  4. Ader Santos/Cecilio Goulart, 30
  5. Christian Franzen/Giovana Simas, 31


The South Brazilian Championship has been held since 1970.
There are 49 plaques with the names of the winners. 98 male names.
The 2021 winning duo is mixed, formed by Daniel Matos and Liana Fragoso.
Liana will be the first SnipeDiva to have her name engraved on the Roberto Marinho Trophy!





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