R4 / Finnish Master Nationals

R4 / Finnish Master Nationals Image


Tuusulanjärvi, Finland, September 20, 2020. Regatta report by Kirsi Jaakkola – photos by by Matti Leppänen and Mari Leppänen

Final results after 8 races (1 discard)

  1. Otto Dahlber & Riku Vaariskoski, 7
  2. Antti Mikkonen & Matias Mikkonen, 11
  3. Reino Suonsilta & Vivi Seirala, 17
Masters Nationals Finland
Snipe Masters Championship was held on Tuusulanjärvi, in Järvenpää close to Helsinki on Saturday 19.9.2020. There were six boats competing in three track races and one distance cruising.
I have first got to know dinghy-sailing in Tuusulanjärvi with Lightning-boats eight years ago. Who would have guessed my next competition in Tuusulanjärvi to be Snipe Masters! There is some benefit to have a husband with sailing experience, though.
The basic feature of this competition was created by the local winds on the lake. Wind blowing 8 m/s to 12 m/s and changing rapidly. There were Lightning ranking race run at the same time. Good organising done and all racing went well.
Last entry was Cultural sailing along the lakeside. The idea was to got to know a little of Tuusulanjärvi area and it´s artistic cultural places beforehand about famous Finnish painters, composers and novellists. Also Sibelius, the composer of Finlandia, was was living in the neighborhood about 100 years ago. The start was good and fast, boats heading 90 degrees into different directions!
After some discussions between boats and organizers, all Master-boats headed finally to correct direction and the race was completed as planned.
Masters winners 2020 are Reino Suonsilta ja Viivi Seirala, second place goes to Mikko Valjus ja Teija Kaarlela. Next two places are well earned by boats from southwest Finland; TPS and NPS. I congratulate the winners and thank all for a fair race during sunny weekend.
-Kirsi Jaakkola, FIN29965

Photos courtesy of by Matti Leppänen and Mari Leppänen



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