Mystic Lake Halloween Regatta

Mystic Lake Halloween Regatta Image

(Photo courtesy of Bill Swanton)

Winchester, MA, USA, October 26, 2019
A sushi boat.  A skeleton crew.  Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and C-3P0.  Popeye and Olive Oil.  Pirates.  Referees.  What do they have in common?
Seemingly nothing, unless you were lucky enough to attend the Halloween Regatta at Winchester Boat Club on Saturday, October 26 on the Upper Mystic Lake.  A total of 14 Snipes participated in this annual event with ideal sailing conditions for New England in the fall: sunny, temperatures around 60 degrees, and light winds.  We all know that these weather days are about over for the season, so this was a gift.
Six races were completed for the costumed crews in the fleet, after which the gang packed up their boats for the winter and headed up to the second floor of the Winchester Boat Club for a fun potluck party with a slide show.  Results (for most) were secondary to the fun of trying to sail a Snipe in costumes but in the end, there was a tie for first between the skeleton crew (John MacRae with daughter Bella) and the sushi boat (John Tagliamonte and Grace Olsen), with the “corpses” winning the tiebreaker over the “fish.”
Even if it was a challenge to sail with a mask on, these are the days we will remember and miss in January!
Report by John MacRae



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