Regata de la Amistad
by Juan Manuel Meira Salinas, Ecuador, February 25-26, 2017. Regata de la Amistad is a regata which takes place in Salinas, Ecuador, once a year during carnival holidays. It is only one single coast race with all sailing classes registered in Ecuador. So you see in one long start line from Optimist to 50 feet ocean race. It is about 60 boats and a very nice event. Other rule is that you may race with your family, friends or even alone. ...
by Juan Manuel Meira
Salinas, Ecuador, February 25-26, 2017. Regata de la Amistad is a regata which takes place in Salinas, Ecuador, once a year during carnival holidays. It is only one single coast race with all sailing classes registered in Ecuador. So you see in one long start line from Optimist to 50 feet ocean race. It is about 60 boats and a very nice event. Other rule is that you may race with your family, friends or even alone.
Also Regata de la Amistad is the only local Sailing event which all participants must pay $10 per each, and Salinas Yacht Club (organizer) will
double the collected fee and all is donated to Salinas Red Cross. At the end of the regatta, we have a big prize giving ceremony with all Ecuadorian sailing family. It is great.
Snipe: 1- Juan Jose Ferretti and his daughter Julianna; 2- Allan Couper and Juan Perez; 3- Joaquin Correa and Michaela Navarro.
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