SCIRA USA Announces New Executive Administrator and Class Office

(from the Snipe US website): Martin Bebb, National Secretary of SCIRA USA has announced that One Design Management (ODM) of San Diego, CA has been appointed to take over management of Snipe US administration effective July 1. Danielle Richards of ODM will take over as Executive Administrator of SCIRA USA. 

(from the Snipe US website):

Martin Bebb, National Secretary of SCIRA USA has announced that One Design Management (ODM) of San Diego, CA has been appointed to take over management of Snipe US administration effective July 1. Danielle Richards of ODM will take over as Executive Administrator of SCIRA USA. 

One Design Management is a sailing class management firm founded by Jerelyn Biehl and Sherri Campbell. ODM manages the administraton of classes such as SCIRA International, Laser NA, the International 29er and Etchell’s Classes, High School Sailing, and others. 

Bebb extended the thanks of Snipe USA members to outgoing Executive Administrator Betsy Altman for her service. 

The contact information for the SCIRA USA Office and One Design Management Team is below: 

SCIRA USA Class Office 
2812 Canon Street 
San Diego, Calif. 92106 USA 
p: 619-222-0252 
f: 619-222-0528 

Danielle Richards 
Executive Administrator 
p: 619-255-0083 
[email protected] 
skype: danielle.richards 



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