Serious Sailing, Serious Prizes: Make Plans for the 2013 New Englands
[caption id="attachment_6954" align="alignnone" width=""]Tight racing in a beautiful venue[/caption]What started out as a pretty cobbled together regatta, with hopes for a bit of swag to raffle and at least a couple decent sailors, has somehow turned into a totally huge Snipe class race weekend July 13,14, 2013. Serious sailing will be combined with seriously worthy raffle prizes (highlights include a Quantum jib, Kinder Industries deck cover, and Atlantis Weathergear jackets) and seriously great food provided by the Jubilee Yacht Club "Haddock Fest."
What started out as a pretty cobbled together regatta, with hopes for a bit of swag to raffle and at least a couple decent sailors, has somehow turned into a totally huge Snipe class race weekend July 13,14, 2013. Serious sailing will be combined with seriously worthy raffle prizes (highlights include a Quantum jib, Kinder Industries deck cover, and Atlantis Weathergear jackets) and seriously great food provided by the Jubilee Yacht Club “Haddock Fest.”
We know the sailing will be serious for the Snipe New Englands because it’s also the District 1 Championship. Sailors, including juniors from Miami and Canada, are coming to Beverly, MA from up and down the Atlantic coast to race Snipes. Overnight accommodations are plentiful thanks to seriously hospitable Yacht Club members, and the venue is beautiful.
Registrants should contact Shan McAdoo at (978) 302-1176, [email protected]. (And make sure to ask him why he doesn’t have “Snipe” in his email address.)
For directions and dates, visit the Snipe Today events calendar and click on “Snipe New Englands.”
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