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2013 Italian Calendar Sanremo (South European Championship) April 12-14San Ruffino (Team Racing) April 24-25Trieste, May 4-5 (Regata Nazionale)Trieste May 11-12 (Trofeo Lisa Rochelli)Caldonazzo German Open,…
Sakaiminato, Tottori, November 10, 2012.Three races completed today in 12-20 knots and big waves. Results:1:Shiraishi/Ueda(North Sails Japan) 17p2:Kondo/Ishikawa(AI☆STARS) 18p3:Ooi/Sakai(OKUMURA BOAT) 41p4:Kamiya/Shinoda(NTT EAST JAPAN) 41p5:Kodama/Tanaka(TOYOTA…
Sakaiminato, Tottori, November 9, 2012. Two races today. The race started at 1pm. Wind speed average was 20knots and big waves. The wind was enough, but in this season…
Sakaiminato, Tottori, November 8, 2012. Today 3 races. Wind speed Max 15 knots, gusts 20knots, shifty wind. Kondo/Ishikawa, corrent Japanese champions are trying to get the victory again. However,…
2013 Brazilian Calendar: Campeonato Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, January 25 – February 2, 2013 Taça Octanorm, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, April 19-21, 2013 Leste-Brasileiro, Cabo Frio , RJ, June…
Gran Festa Fancazzista in Cladonazzo. Article (in Italian) from snipe.it…
Talamone, November 3, 2012. Three races today in medium wind form south east. 1. Augie Diaz & Kathleen Tocke, 5,25 2. Enrico Solerio & Sergio Simonetti, 7,75 3. Paolo…
Talamone, November 2, 2012. Two races roday in light wind. 1. Paolo Lambertenghi & Silvia Pederiva 2. Augie Diaz & Kathleen Tocke 3. Fabio & Daniela Rochelli ……
Mission Bay, October 27, 2012. Three nice races in 7-15 kts! Lots of tight packs in the scoring, but Tyler and Chuck Sinks dominated with 3 bullets, while Scott Sinks…
Here are some recent highlights from SnipeToday articles and regatta reports. We welcome contributions to this international home for Snipe sailors, so please send your contributions to …
From Spain … I love Snipe Class!…
Santiago de la Ribera. Del 5 al 9 de Diciembre de 2012. Realizado por: Damian Borras Clinic_spain_2012.doc…
Enoshima. October 20, 2012. Yuniko Motida & Hitoshi Imora are leading the Olympic Week in Enoshima. … full results … EOW_result_SNIPE_1.pdf…
Buenos Aires, November 20-25, 2012. Entry List Notice of Race…