Three weeks ago the SSL Ranking was extended to the Snipe Class. We have received good feedback from many Snipe Sailors.
We explained that there would probably be some errors and inconsistencies during the first weeks and that we would work with SSL to resolve them step by step.
Now, responding to requests from sailors, the SSL Team, together with the Snipe Class, has made some adjustments to the SSL Ranking.
First of all, some name duplications were eliminated. This phase required a lot of time to make accurate checks.
Second, we are trying to make the ranking fair and for this reason the coefficients of the Non Open Events category have been modified and adjusted.
The new formula is: 40% (instead of 65%) of the points allocated to the competition based on the points given to its class group. So for example, the winner of the Masters (or Juniors or Women’s) Snipe World Championship will earn 85% (because the Class is from Group 2 – International WS Class) of 2,500 points (because the events is category 2), which is multiplied by 40% because it is not an open event. Therefore 2,500 x .85 x .40.
Information needed to facilitate sailor profiles:
To prepare the ranking, SSL needs to build full profiles of all sailors (skippers and crews).
For this reason we kindly ask you to send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
1) birth date (DD.MM.YY)
2) place of birth (city)
3) full name of the club
4) height (cm)
5) weight (kg)
6) photo (portrait in high resolution with plain background)
From 1 to 6 – the SSL have listed how exactly the data should be presented in the sailor’s ranking profile.
To avoid duplication, sailors must always use the same full name for each regatta, ideally the same name used for SCIRA registration, avoiding nicknames and abbreviations. Only in this way will the ranking be correct.
The purpose is to build precise and complete profiles for each sailor. Please report any errors by sending an email to
[email protected].
Thanks for your cooperation!