Rule Change Proposal: 22-14 Mast

Rule Change Proposal: 22-14 Mast Image

According to the Decision Making Process,

  • Rules changes can be submitted up to 1st March.
  • All proposals will be published on the website.
  • The period from March to June will be used for public discussion and also for the Rules Committee recommendations.
  • The Board will vote all submission on July.
  • The approved changes will be sent to World Sailing (August) for final approval (November).

On March 1, 2022, 17 proposals were submitted:

Discussion Forum here on SnipeToday (you can leave comments)



Cesar TR
03/08/2022 -

Proposals 14 & 17 - Same issue.
The ERS only applies when so stated in the Notice of Race (J1.1 3).
The fact that the ERS establishes that "The sail shall be below the mast upper limit mark." does not mean that this applies in every regatta.
As said before, ERS only applies when is invoked in the Class Rules (and has to be very clear, what is not the case in our Class Rules) or listed in Notice of Race as Rule for the event.
Removing Class Rule C9.3 or C9.4 will create a loop in the rules.

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Cesar TR
03/09/2022 -

ERS only applies when is listed as a rule in the Notice of Race (Appendix J 1.1). If the ERS is not listed then it does not apply. That is why C9.3 is necessary.
We will have a loop in the Class Rules if C9.3 is removed and the ERS is not listed in the Notice of Race of an event.

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Antonio Bari
03/11/2022 -

In A.5.1 is specify that the Class Rules shall be read in conjunction with the current ERS. Nevertheless, C.9.3(h) is an additional requirement to ERS B.1.1.a, so no need to delete the rule as proposed.

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Pepe Pérez
03/12/2022 -

Efectivamente si se vigila convenientemente la situación del limite superior de la vela mientras se regatea el tope no es necesario, pero es conveniente mantener la regla como esta por las siguientes razones:
1º Es difícil a distancia ver si es esta cumpliendo o NO la regla, incluso para la propia tripulación desde el barco.
2º La tripulación puede estar navegando incumpliendo la regla sin intención de hacerlo y más ahora, cuando es frecuente que la driza de la mayor sea de dinema y se fije mediante una mordaza.
3º Aunque las reglas C.9.2 b) banda y C.9. h) tope cumplen el mismo objetivo, mientras que el tope facilita el cumplimiento de la regla, la banda es mas bien un elemento estético.

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