14 Questions to … Martin Alonso
Martin Alonso, Snipe sailor from Bahia Blanca, regatta organizer and Argentinian "cicerone" (for the Executive Director and the Commodore during the last WH&O) - 1) Your first time on a sailing boat? I sailed a boat for the first time at 11 years old in Buenos Aires with my father. - 2) Your first time on a Snipe? First time on a Snipe when I was 13, thirty three years ago, with a friend at my Club in Bahia Blanca. - 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta? To describe the most bizarre sailing in Snipe I can remember a regata during 1994 (North Patagonic Championship) in a lake in Argentinian Patagonia, we were supposed to win the last race to became champions against the local favorite candidate. The last race started really late in the afternoon because there was no wind; we were winning the race by far when suddenly the wind almost disappeared, we were floating for almost half an hour and it became night, a light breeze started to blow and we finished the race in second place literally at night!!!!!! The race committee guided us with flash lights up to the finish line and then to the club. ...
Martin Alonso, Snipe sailor from Bahia Blanca, regatta organizer and Argentinian “cicerone” (for the Executive Director and the Commodore during the last WH&O)
– 1) Your first time on a sailing boat?
I sailed a boat for the first time at 11 years old in Buenos Aires with my father.
– 2) Your first time on a Snipe?
First time on a Snipe when I was 13, thirty three years ago, with a friend at my Club in Bahia Blanca.
– 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta?
To describe the most bizarre sailing in Snipe I can remember a regata during 1994 (North Patagonic Championship) in a lake in Argentinian Patagonia, we were supposed to win the last race to became champions against the local favorite candidate.
The last race started really late in the afternoon because there was no wind; we were winning the race by far when suddenly the wind almost disappeared, we were floating for almost half an hour and it became night, a light breeze started to blow and we finished the race in second place literally at night!!!!!! The race committee guided us with flash lights up to the finish line and then to the club.
We protested the race committee because of all this situation and they said “our federation has different rules than ISAF we can finish dinghy races at night “(sic).
We finished the Regatta in second place (behind the local favorite) and promised never to race a Championship of this federation under this rules.
– 4) What is the thing that most angers you in a race/regatta?
Sailors who doesn’t practice the FAIRPLAY.
– 5) Which is the race/regatta that you remember with the most pleasure?
The first time I raced with my friend and mentor in Snipe Class, Carlos Squarcia, I was 15 years old. I was about to quit sailing Snipes and he told me, ” Take it easy, be patient, you are to young but you’ll do it fine”.
– 6) And the race/regatta you would like to forget?
I don’t have any special one.
– 7) Your “dream in the peak”? (Your sailing dream?)
I’d like to sail as long as possible in my life enjoying it.
– 8) Sailing goals for 2019, and beyond?
My goal for this year is becoming more consistent with my crew in order to be more competitive and sailing the Snipe Worlds in October 2019.
– 9) The most important people for you in sailing and in the Snipe?
In sailing my friends and brothers of life that Yachting gave to me, I met them between 20 to 35 years ago, they are four or five persons that I will not mention but when they read this they will know that I’m talking about them.
In Snipe, a person who always trusted on me, Carlos Squarcia.
– 10) Why the Snipe?
Why Snipe? Because it’s a school for life, it’s a life style.
– 11) Your perfect sailing venue and your perfect sailing conditions?
My perfect venue is Mar del Plata, 10-20 knots (sunny of course) !!!!
– 12) Besides sailing which other sport do you practice?
Golf and Ciclying.
– 13) Are you superstitious?
I’m not superstitious.
-14) Your perfect holiday?
Relaxing with family & friends, but always close to the water!!!!!!
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