Commodore’s Log Book

[caption id="attachment_4764" align="alignnone" width=""]Don Bedford[/caption]By Don Bedford, SCIRA Commodore. A happy new year for all Snipe sailors around the world. As I mentioned in my Snipe Bulletin article and blog post, we all owe Luis Pessanha a big thanks for his leadership the last two years and look forward to seeing him on the water this year. I'd like to mention that as commodore, I'll continue to blog with updates on the class as well as my views on items that may be of interest to many fellow sailors. Of current interest in the new rule the Rules Committee is working on to lengthen the battens in the main. This was done in the Star class a few years ago and we plan to not change the shape of the main but rather give it more longevity.

Commodore’s Log Book Image
Don Bedford

By Don Bedford, SCIRA Commodore.

A happy new year for all Snipe sailors around the world. As I mentioned in my Snipe Bulletin article and blog post, we all owe Luis Pessanha a big thanks for his leadership the last two years and look forward to seeing him on the water this year.

I’d like to mention that as commodore, I’ll continue to blog with updates on the class as well as my views on items that may be of interest to many fellow sailors. Of current interest in the new rule the Rules Committee is working on to lengthen the battens in the main. This was done in the Star class a few years ago and we plan to not change the shape of the main but rather give it more longevity.

I sailed a prototype in a regatta a few weeks ago and actually found it easier to trim. The leach did not stall as easily and I think a new skipper would stall the main less frequently with the full batten. Off the wind I thought it *might* be a little more closed at the top but I noticed no speed difference. I’ll keep you posted on the final Board decision. Just know, we all want the equipment (the main) to last longer and still keep the same look and feel of the Snipe as it is today.

Also, please do what you can to welcome prospective and new sailors into your fleet. I do think this is what makes our class so special, but it is up to us individuals to make the extra effort to build the fleet/class one sailor at a time.

See you on the water, -don



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