Growing Team Racing
Two days ago we posted an article about SCIRA Team Race, a Promotion Committee initiative. BUT What is Team Racing? Why Team Racing and how do we learn about Team Racing? By Gavin O'Hare WHAT is Team Racing? Each race is a match between two teams comprised of multiple boats Typically 3 or 4 boats per team, but 2v2 (last-place-loses) works too! The winning team is the one with the lower total finish: 1+4+5 (10 points) beats 2+3+6 (11 points) 2+3+4 (9 points) beats 1+5+6 (12 points) Team races are typically short in duration: 6 – 15 minutes per race For more basics: ...
Two days ago we posted an article about SCIRA Team Race, a Promotion Committee initiative. BUT What is Team Racing? Why Team Racing and how do we learn about Team Racing?
By Gavin O’Hare
WHAT is Team Racing?
- Each race is a match between two teams comprised of multiple boats
- Typically 3 or 4 boats per team, but 2v2 (last-place-loses) works too!
- The winning team is the one with the lower total finish:
- 1+4+5 (10 points) beats 2+3+6 (11 points)
- 2+3+4 (9 points) beats 1+5+6 (12 points)
- Team races are typically short in duration: 6 – 15 minutes per race
- For more basics:
WHY Team Race?
- Something new and different for fleet racing veterans
- A mechanism to attract new/young members to a yacht / sailing club:
- Young veterans of high school and college sailing veterans know (and love) it
- Its pace and social nature attract sailors to clubs that feature / support it
- Works in all types of one-designs: dinghies and keelboats
- Offers a unique opportunity to combine different generations and skill levels on the race course
- Does not require new boats, new sails or tuning expertise to win…boatspeed is not that important
- Encourages working together / sharing information about sailing / coaching each other
- It is NOT about the trophy…it is about the FUN
- It is impossible to have a boring team race
- If you lose a race, the next race is just minutes away!
- Did we mention is it FUN!
HOW do we learn about Team Racing?
- Pursue an introduction to Team Racing
- Check out a Team Race
- In person, spectating or crewing
- See Video or Animation:
- Have someone lead an “introduction to team racing” clinic
- Let ISAF/World Sailing direct you to a local Team Racing spark plug:
- Someone who knows the game (See Tactics & Strategy)
- Contact Gavin O’Hare [email protected] to find a local spark plug / trainer in or near YOUR club.
- Let us help you organize a team racing clinic
- Challenge a rival club to one afternoon of team racing in 6 boats (of any one type)
- Organize a weekly evening series amongst a group of clubs (ask us about the “Summer Solstice” format)
- Keep racing simple:
- Use whatever boats are already around
- Minimize the race support personnel & equipment…the course does not need to be perfect
- Stay away from long protests: use “3 Minute Justice”:
- Contact Gavin O’Hare [email protected] to find out more
- Make up Ad hoc teams, and if one team wins a few races, re-equalize the teams
- Match up experienced team racers with less experienced team racers
- De-briefs after racing keep everyone learning and psyched
- Contact volunteers for tools/resources available: l
Reach Out For Help/Advice/Contacts: [email protected]
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