NB Snipe Cup 2018 – Open Danish Nationals – Final
Espergaerde, May 21, 2018 Report by Henrik Wulff This years edition of NB Snipe Cup 2018 was the 50 th edition of the regatta i Espergærde, Denmark. A great effort espcially from Jan & Jane Persson were made to secure that the competitors had some " serious sailing & serious fun" and i think i speak on behalf of all the sailors that came to Espergærde, that the regatta fully lived up to our class motto. Fantastic sailing and even more fantastic socials with free dinners & drinks. ...
Espergaerde, May 21, 2018
Report by Henrik Wulff
This years edition of NB Snipe Cup 2018 was the 50 th edition of the regatta i Espergærde, Denmark. A great effort espcially from Jan & Jane Persson were made to secure that the competitors had some ” serious sailing & serious fun” and i think i speak on behalf of all the sailors that came to Espergærde, that the regatta fully lived up to our class motto.
Fantastic sailing and even more fantastic socials with free dinners & drinks.
On Saturday we had 3 great races with stable southesterly winds 8-15 knots. Christofer & Fabian Spone 1,2,4 (Norway), Manu & Maj 3,3,10 (Belgium ), Anette & Janett 10, 6, 1 (Norway), Jostein & Karen 5,5,8 (Norway) and Yannick & Dirk 9,5,5 (Belgium) found them selves at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the day.
Sunday were more challaging as only 1 race was secured in southesterly winds 4-9 knots. The sailors waited for wind, but were sent in as the it would’nt fill in. Once again Spone (Norway) showed the way as they won the race folllowed by Henrik & Henriette (Denmark) on 2 nd and Jonatan & Felix (Denmark) on 3 rd. The top 5 were the same.
Monday showed to be even more challaging as the sailors had to wait for allmost 3 hours for the wind to fill in. When it came, it was very ligt and puffy with 4-8 knots. In the first race Henrik & Henriette (Denmark) took the gun on a shotened cource, followed by Jostein & Karen (Norway) on 2 nd and Anette & Janett (Norway) on 3 rd. In the last race there were serveral led changes as the wind died, but in the end it was Yannick & Dirk (Belgium) on top, folowed by Spone (Norway) on 2 nd and Jonatan & Felix (Denmark) on 3 rd – Felix is Jonatans 8 year old son – Great sailing by father and son.
Durig the prizegiving Jan & Jane were well earned celebrated for their tremendous work in organizing this traditional regatta through out the years.
THANK YOU! to Jan & Jane Persson
NB! More pictures can soon be viewed at http://lateventfoto.instaproofs.com/
Final results after 5 races (1 discard)
1. NOR Kristoffer Spone & Fabian Spone, 10
2. NOR Anette Melsom Myhre & Janett Kreftong, 23
3. DEN Henrik Wulff & Henriette Wulff, 27
4. BEL Yannick Laumans & Dirck De Bock, 29
5. NOR Jostein Grodem & Karen Kristoffersen, 34
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