Ranking FEVESP

Ranking FEVESP Image

Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 6, 2022. Results after 4 races:

  1. Tomas Verdino & Esdras Jesus, 11
  2. Enrico Francavilla & Giovanna Guariglia 19
  3. Gabriela Bartijotto & Sara Strauss, 21
  4. Federico Siebert Francavilla & Gustavo Malgrine, 22
  5. Marina da Fonte & Bruna Patricio, 25

The races of the “Ranking FEVESP” this weekend were uses as the second Brazilian Selective Regatas for the 2022 Junior Worlds.
The first 3 classified from the nationals are:
•Bernardo Peixoto
•Caio Bailly
•Joao Manoel Ammar
The next three from this weekend’s regata are:
• Marina Roma da Fonte
• Gabriela Bartijotto
• Frederico Francavilla
And then we will have a selective in Rio during the Octanorm for the next 3 or 4 places
Depending on the number of junior attendees.



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