Ranking #1 – Finnish Master Nationals

Ranking #1 – Finnish Master Nationals Image

Kotka, Finland. May 19, 2022. The Finnish Snipe season was finally opened after eight long months in Kotka last weekend, close to the Russian border.

The event was the first one of the five Ranking regattas, combined with Masters Nationals. Seven teams competed in light winds with rain and sunshine together with Finn and Lighting Classes in the same race course.

Only one team did not qualify as Master due to the missing half year.

The “youth team”, Kai Saarhelo and Reetta Sihvo anyhow was the best overall, before the six Masters teams. Reino Suonsilta and Viivi Seirala won the Masters trophy, which is by the way called “Norppa”, very specific Finnish lakeside seal. 
Final results after six races:

Ranking #1
The best overall
1. Kai Saarhelo, Reetta Sihvo, 8 points 

1. Reino Suonsilta – Viivi Seirala, 10 points
2. Antti Mikkonen – Satu Salminen, 13
3. Hanna-Leena Lehtinen – Juha Lehtinen, 18
4. Mikko Mäkinen – Asko Huumonen, 26
5. Claus Carpelan – Risto Valjus, 30
6. Sirkku Ala-Harja –  Mai Järvinen, 30



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