German Open – Final

Caldonazzo, May 24-26, 2013. Enrico Solerio and Sergio Simonetti dominated in Lake Caldonazzo. Gunther and Gerhard Hautmann took the German title. The P.R.O Gino Costantini did a great work completing three races in very shifty conditions expecially on Sunday. At the end everybody was happy for the excellent hospitality of the club, Associazione Velica Trentina, and for the challenging conditions on the race course. (photo: the 2 Polish teams, the lake and the snow capped mountains on the background). ... full results and Italian Ranking ...

German Open – Final Image

Caldonazzo, May 24-26, 2013. Enrico Solerio and Sergio Simonetti dominated in Lake Caldonazzo.

Gunther and Gerhard Hautmann took the German title.

The P.R.O Gino Costantini did a great work completing three races in very shifty conditions expecially on Sunday. At the end everybody was happy for the excellent hospitality of the club, Associazione Velica Trentina, and for the challenging conditions on the race course.

(photo: the 2 Polish teams, the lake and the snow capped mountains on the background).

… full results and Italian Ranking …

No Numero Nome Punti 1 2 3
1 ITA 30269 Solerio Enrico, Simonetti Sergio, 017-01-Y C SANREMO ASS SPORT D 3,0 1 1 1
2 ITA 30983 Rocchelli Fabio, Semec Daniela, 354-13-S.V.BARCOLA GRIGNANO AS 15,0 6 6 3
3 ITA 26819 Piazza Andrea, Pendasini Marta, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 18,0 11 5 2
4 ITA 29510 Rossi Francesco, Filippini Gianfranco, 648-11-C.U.S. BOLOGNA ASS SPOR 19,0 9 4 6
5 ITA 30706 Bruni Dario, Collotta Carlo, 402-14-C V CREMONA – ASS SPORT 23,0 4 7 12
6 ITA 30009 Lambertenghi Paolo, Rinaldi Marco, 397-14-C.V.TORBOLE SOC COOP SP 29,0 3 3 23
7 ITA 30099 Baroldi Diego, Arrighini Fulvio, 389-14-C.V.GARGNANO SOCIETÀ CO 29,0 7 13 9
8 ITA 30774 Longhi Stefano, Gianolla Alessandra, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 29,0 8 10 11
9 ITA 27130 Zuanelli Silvano, Rossi Flavio, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 33,0 16 12 5
10 ITA 28960 Emer Roberto, Righi Martina, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 39,0 14 17 8
11 POL 30334 Zakrzewski Rafal, Zakrzewska Natalia, JKW POZNAN 39,0 13 16 10
12 ITA 29783 Pallaoro Alessandro, Dei Rossi Marco, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 44,0 12 11 21
13 ITA 26342 Libardi Davide, Froesa Marcus, 385-14-FRAGLIA VELA RIVA ASS S 48,0 5 2 ocs
14 ITA 30396 Bruni Renato, Caporali Matteo, 402-14-C V CREMONA – ASS SPORT 48,0 21 20 7
15 ITA 15790 Fantoni Pietro, Gerin Nicola, 351-13-CIRCOLO VELA MUGGIA ASS 52,0 2 9 dnf
16 ITA 29449 Irredento Sergio, Senni Marina, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 54,0 17 8 29
17 GER 30040 Hautmann Gunther, Hautmann Gerhard, MBB – SG MANCHING 59,0 15 19 25
18 ITA 30258 De Santa Azelio, Franzoi Vittorio, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 60,0 10 15 35
19 ITA 30373 Uber Dario, Pisetta Stefano, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 63,0 18 14 31
20 POL 30708 Jaroslaw Klimczyk, Rakocy Zbigniew, PKM LOK POZNIAM POLONIA 64,0 28 21 15
21 ITA 30755 Casarini Roberto, Rossi Emiliano, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 66,0 25 24 17
22 GER 27024 Hautmann Margit, Geodeit Georg, SCLL Landsberg 67,0 20 27 20
23 ITA 29935 Sciancalepore Felice, Apollonio Chiara, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 74,0 22 18 34
24 GER 30798 Rainer Lischke, Muhlhuber Wolfram, MBB SG MANCHING 76,0 27 25 24
25 ITA 29779 Bellotti Alessandro, Candida Luigi, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 78,0 23 22 33
26 ITA 28912 Niccoli Marco, Dalla Serra Ivano, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 79,0 26 23 30
27 ITA 30402 Pisetta Paolo, Rangoni Franco, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 80,0 dnc 26 13
28 ITA 28342 Cattarozzi Luca, Gabrielli Martino, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 81,0 24 29 28
29 GER 30704 Hoerterich Herbert, Giaccaglia Sergio, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 82,0 19 dnc 22
30 ITA 30403 Gemini Andrea, Tramparulo Alessandro, 160-04-CIRCEO YACHT VELAC ASS 86,0 dnc dnc 4
31 ITA 23439 Cattoni Roldano, Rospocher Mauro, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 93,0 29 28 36
32 ITA 29960 Stahl Tom, Stahl Jacopo, 345-12-C N CHIOGGIA ASS SPORT 96,0 dnc dnc 14
33 ITA 29626 Stefani Daniel, Rigobello Marco, 408-14-AS VELA LAGO LEDRO ASS 98,0 dnc dnc 16
34 ITA 30194 Schiaffino Alberto, Meriggi Paolo, 408-14-AS VELA LAGO LEDRO ASS 100,0 dnc dnc 18
35 ITA 30913 Turchetto Alessandro, Flora Andrea, 326-11-CLUB NAUTICO RIMINI ASS 101,0 dnc dnc 19
36 ITA 26503 Peri Giovanni, Villani Marco, 402-14-C V CREMONA – ASS SPORT 103,0 30 dnc 32
37 ITA 30705 Bari Alessandro, Bari Antonio, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 108,0 dnc dnc 26
38 ITA 30822 Levantini Fulvio, Pribaz Andrea, 349-13-SOC.TRIESTINA VELA ASS 109,0 dnc dnc 27
39 ITA 30224 Prosperi Giuseppe, Muccioli Stefano, 1578-11-ASS.SPORT.DILCENTROVEL 123,0 dnc dnc ocs
40 ITA 26136 De Bernardis Roberto, Bolognini Roberto, 388-14-A VELICA TRENTINA-ASD 123,0 dnc dnc dnc

Results – German Open 2013
Results – Regata Nazionale Caldonazzo 2013



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