Briody Regatta

Rochester, NY, August, 17-18, 2013. Gord Richards and Leo Arsenault win in Rochester. Results and regatta report by Norman Dahl Gord Richards Wins the 77th Briody Memorial Regatta The famous Irondequoit Bay Thermal came in for five of the seven races of the Briody Memorial Regatta this year. Canadian skipper Gord Richards made good use of it to win the regatta, followed closely by Gene Soltero, John Korkosz, and John Dentinger. Ricky Trauscht was fifth. ...

Briody Regatta Image

Rochester, NY, August, 17-18, 2013. Gord Richards and Leo Arsenault win in Rochester.

Results and regatta report by Norman Dahl

Gord Richards Wins the 77th Briody Memorial Regatta

The famous Irondequoit Bay Thermal came in for five of the seven races of the Briody Memorial Regatta this year. Canadian skipper Gord Richards made good use of it to win the regatta, followed closely by Gene Soltero, John Korkosz, and John Dentinger. Ricky Trauscht was fifth.


Two boats were of special interest: #19119, Woody, had been rebuilt by Steve Lee and was returning to the regatta scene after a long absence. Also, #29090 was loaned to Dallas skipper Gene Soltero by Newport YC sailors Maureen McDonald and Steve Mickel. Gene had sailed the Briody once before, in 1979, when he won his first SCIRA-sanctioned regatta.

Bill Topping did his usual masterful job as PRO, and thanked Harbormaster Phil Morse for having all of the power boats working — a feat not easily accomplished. Dan Groth posted his regatta photos on the club web site at

The racing was very close, with tacking and gybing duels, crowded mark roundings, and split opinions as to the favored end of the start line. Four different boats won races.

After Dinosaur Barbeque on Saturday night, guitar teacher John Wiesenthal sang us some sailing songs and we joined in as needed. Breakfast Sunday morning was ham and eggs cooked to order by Commodore Paul Riordan, supervised by wife Dorothy Drahzal.

We had welcome visits from Bud and Ellen Booth and from Kevin and Zack Haller.

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