Brazilian Nationals – Final

Rio de Janeiro, January 29 - February 3, 2013. Bruno Bethlem and Dante Bianchi took the title for the 9th time. 1. Bruno Bethlem & Dante Bianchi, tot. 43 2. Mario Tinoco & Gabriel Borges, tot. 44 3. Henrique Haddad & Rodrigo Lins, tot. 61 4. Alexandre Paradeda & Gabriel Kieling, 66 5. Paulo Santos & Thiago Sanginetto, tot. 81 ... full results ... (Photo courtesy Fred Hoffmann)

Brazilian Nationals – Final Image

Rio de Janeiro, January 29 – February 3, 2013. Bruno Bethlem and Dante Bianchi took the title for the 9th time.

1. Bruno Bethlem & Dante Bianchi, tot. 43

2. Mario Tinoco & Gabriel Borges, tot. 44

3. Henrique Haddad & Rodrigo Lins, tot. 61

4. Alexandre Paradeda & Gabriel Kieling, 66

5. Paulo Santos & Thiago Sanginetto, tot. 81

… full results …

(Photo courtesy Fred Hoffmann)


Class. Timoneiro Proeiro Cat. Barco Clube Num. R1
Total Total c./desc.
1st Bruno Bethlem Dante Bianchi Geral Old Black ICRJ/RJ 30997 1 2 6 1 10 4 9 10 (95 OCS) 138 43
2nd Mario Tinoco Gabriel Borges Geral Fera CRG-ICRJ/RJ 31139 4 5 8 5 9 2 7 4 (34) 78 44
3rd Henrique Haddad Rodrigo Lins Geral To Sem Freio ICRJ/RJ 31023 2 4 (18) 7 11 14 1 7 15 79 61
4th Alexandre Paradeda Gabreil Kieling Geral Quebra Tudo CDJ/RS 29821 7 (31) 1 2 22 3 4 11 16 97 66
5th Paulo Santos Thiago Sanginetto Master Luanda ICRJ/RJ 29818 3 1 (35) 21 13 18 5 2 18 116 81
6th Mateus Tavares Daniel Seixas Claro Geral S/Nome YCB/BA 31066 5 6 5 4 (58) 27 26 5 6 142 84
7th Felipe Sabino Atila Pelin Geral Mad Dog CNC/RJ 31047 10 14 14 18 7 11 8 (59) 7 148 89
8th Felipe Linhares Eduardo Beirão Geral Bronquinha ICSC/SC 31121 (33) 9 9 9 4 9 11 19 22 125 92
9th Gaetan Labi Vicente Ducati Geral Viúva Branca LIL-CDJ/SC 29689 32 19 15 14 2 8 15 1 (46 ZFP) 152 106
10th Alexandre Tinoco Victor Sabino Geral Cedrak II CRG-CNC/RJ 30703 6 15 10 30 1 1 19 26 (47 ZFP) 155 108
11th Rafael Gagliotti Henrique Wisnicwski Geral ICS/ Guarda Patrimonial ICS/SP 31004 (50) 8 17 32 25 10 3 13 17 175 125
12th Luiz F. Adler Caneppa Breno V. Bianchi Geral Cash-Flow+ ICRJ/RJ 31111 12 45 7 3 6 24 23 9 (95 DNC) 224 129
13th Mario V. de Jesus Jr. Anderson Brandao Geral S/Nome GVI/SP 31126 23 17 22 24 17 5 12 (53) 20 ZFP 193 140
14th José Vicente Monteiro Joao Paulo da Silva Geral S/Nome GVI/SP 31110 19 27 4 10 (38) 21 35 ZFP 23 11 188 150
15th Ivan Pimentel Alexandre Muto Master Bom Demais ICRJ/RJ 30902 8 10 12 25 5 (95 DNF) 2 3 95 OCS 255 160
16th Bernardo Assis Pedro Leão Geral O Proxeneta ICRJ/RJ 30619 (53) 7 21 12 45 20 20 18 19 215 162
17th Edval Moura Jr. Mateus Pinheiro Geral Fike Trankilo CICP/SP 31055 26 35 3 26 18 13 (36) 21 31 209 173
18th Mario Urban Rafael Sapucaia Geral One Love YCB/BA 31091 35 13 2 15 20 (50) 43 6 40 ZFP 224 174
19th Joao Bulhoes Nicolas Ilg Geral Grapevina ICRJ/RJ 30566 25 26 28 16 27 16 18 22 (32) 210 178
20th Ricardo Vilas-Boas Arthur Souza Geral Luanda ICAJU/SE 31109 (58) 42 23 38 14 30 10 15 21 ZFP 251 193
21st Marcio J. Chebar Rafael Rosemberg Geral Truckmar CNC/RJ 30523 20 39 19 27 16 (40) 40 ZFP 8 36 245 205
22nd Andre Servaes Rodolfo Levien Geral Apuana ICSC/SC 31046 17 18 44 19 29 15 38 (54) 26 260 206
23rd Fernando Madureira Pedro Walter Geral Os Maduras ICRJ/RJ 30754 44 24 26 34 52 (95 DNF) 13 14 9 311 216
24th Marcos Mascarenhas Pedro Caldas Geral E ai Fera ?! RYC/RJ 30996 (75) 53 ZFP 13 11 24 6 35 33 42 ZFP 292 217
25th Nicholas Grael João Pedro Moreira Geral Roundabout ICRJ/RJ 31117 16 22 37 49 3 31 30 36 (95 OCS) 319 224
26th Adriano Burgos Christian Franzen Geral Lorenz ICSC/SC 30778 27 (58) 40 8 54 17 25 30 25 284 226
27th Frederico Vasconcelos Victor Martins Geral Kiko CC/RJ 30814 30 37 20 17 34 48 32 (95 DNF) 12 325 230
28th Diego Montautti Alexandre Ramos Geral Mala ICSC/SC 30041 13 20 46 (95 DNF) 53 37 27 12 29 ZFP 332 237
29th Alex Juk Piero Furlan Geral S/Nome ICSC/SC 31136 18 11 (95 DNC) 95 DNC 15 25 46 24 13 342 247
30th Fernando K. Kessler Leonardo M. Gomes Geral Duca III na Catega CDJ/RS 29254 65 25 24 13 33 61 (95 OCS) 25 5 346 251
31st Aldo Cunha Lucas Robatto Master Maracuja Periscopiano YCB/BA 30539 34 48 25 37 42 (52) 29 41 8 316 264
32nd Jose Roberto de Jesus Wilian Gomes Moura Geral Phoguete GVI/SP 28632 (95 DSQ) 47 11 23 46 44 28 17 49 ZFP 360 265
33rd Marco Soffiatti Grael Douglas Gomm Geral Janjao RYC/RJ 29304 39 40 27 6 28 12 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 22 ZFP 364 269
34th Pepe D’Elia Lucia D’Elia Mista S/Nome ICRJ/RJ 31127 (61) 56 33 35 50 35 6 39 24 339 278
35th Ricardo Paranhos Fellipe Rodovalho Geral Pacote ICB/DF 30626 43 41 45 22 30 (75) 17 28 54 ZFP 355 280
36th Yuri Reithler Victor Azevedo Silva Geral S/Nome CICP/PE 30969 24 21 39 (58) 32 53 53 20 39 339 281
37th Yuri Torres de Souza Rodrigo Inácio Geral S/Nome ICS/SP 30871 36 29 (53) 31 44 29 41 29 43 335 282
38th Juliana Duque Marcus Cunha Mista Rata YCB/BA 30544 14 (95 DNF) 51 95 DNF 12 46 33 ZFP 16 41 403 308
39th Guilherme Britto Bruno Menezes Geral Taty YCB/BA 31019 38 64 48 42 35 33 34 31 (70 ZFP) 395 325
40th Victor Vocos Camargo Fabio Horta Geral So lamento ICRJ/RJ 29885 9 (95 DNF) 16 33 8 7 63 ZFP 95 DNC 95 DNC 421 326
41st Carlos Praça Marco Flavio Master Paqueta ICRJ/RJ 30633 62 51 30 (95 DNF) 21 22 47 RDGb 47 RDGb 47 RDGb 422 327
42nd Mario Eugenio B. Tavares Julia Mayao Mista Suduka CRG/RJ 30346 54 (76) 55 44 43 34 54 48 4 412 336
43rd Gustavo Simoes F. Queiroz Ricardo Barbosa Geral Al Au YCSA/SP 31104 45 52 41 45 31 (95 DNF) 40 43 44 436 341
44th Andre Florencio Ricardo Jose Feitosa Master Nó Cego ICRL/AL 30853 37 68 31 (95 DNF) 19 60 70 ZFP 27 33 440 345
45th Gustavo Licks Felipe Castro Master S/Nome ICRJ/RJ 31089 51 73 42 39 (79) 26 42 32 42 426 347
46th Frederico Monteiro Rafael Monteiro Geral S/Nome CIC/PE 30907 21 59 34 46 36 55 (67 ZFP) 44 54 416 349
47th Luiz E. Adler P. Duarte Marina Jardim Mista S/Nome ICRJ/RJ 30266 15 3 29 57 40 19 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 95 DNC 448 353
48th Felipe Rondino Matheus Steytler Geral Mauriçoca ICB/DF 30773 11 16 60 41 26 (95 DNF) 59 47 95 DNC 450 355
49th Gustavo R. Migliano Paloma S. Migliano Mista Zenith YCP/SP 31102 56 44 70 40 (77) 28 55 42 20 432 355
50th Juliana Mota Fernanda Decnop Fem. Feroz CMIC 30767 29 32 43 28 (95 DNC) 95 DNC 22 49 59 ZFP 452 357
51st Admar Gonzaga Felipe Haddad Master S/Nome ICB/DF 30695 52 65 (95 OCS) 48 49 23 43 ZFP 37 55 467 372
52nd Frederico Rodrigues Lucas Peter Geral S/Nome ICRJ/RJ 30671 28 23 51 ZFP 60 39 32 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 46 469 374
53rd Daniel Platt Davi Gnecco Geral S/Nome ICSC/SC 30827 48 36 69 59 41 39 47 35 (95 DNC) 469 374
54th Fabio Harkot David Guadaginino Geral Sacatrapo CIR 30862 22 30 71 50 51 42 61 (95 DNF) 48 470 375
55th Luiz Paulo A. Gonçalves Rafael Chalhub Geral Vovô CC/RJ 30533 67 66 49 20 67 38 50 50 (95 DNC) 502 407
56th Carlos Ubirata Guido Diemer Master Ben-te-vi ICAJU/SE 31017 (84) 77 57 ZFP 75 55 76 31 38 14 507 423
57th Graccho Harabedian Felipe Harabedian Geral Rabux ICRJ/RJ 31005 47 43 59 55 65 (95 DNF) 95 DNF 34 29 522 427
58th Pedro Pires de Lima Rodrigo Claessen Master Sudoeste Ronstan CVA-ICRJ/RJ 28767 66 (82) 78 29 48 66 52 46 45 512 430
59th Leonardo Lombardi Phillip Kemp Geral Vida Loka CNC/ICRJ 30525 46 53 67 71 (82) 49 39 58 RDGb 58 RDGb 523 441
60th Rodrigo Stephan de Almeida Marcos Almeida Geral Los delincuentes ICES/ES 31101 63 55 54 53 57 62 49 (95 DNF) 52 540 445
61st Gabriela Kidd Ricardo Carvalho Mista Kidd ICRJ/RJ 30421 57 28 62 43 62 68 37 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 547 452
62nd Flavio Castro Roberto Freire Geral Ranzinza ICRJ/RJ 30738 42 79 64 36 60 36 (95 DSQ) 95 DNC 49 556 461
63rd Matheus Franco Rafael Franco Geral Papa-Leguas RYC/RJ 31119 59 (87) 77 54 71 59 57 57 38 559 472
64th Rafael Fontoura Bernardo Shogo Geral O Pato ICRJ/RJ 30790 55 49 56 51 56 (95 DSQ) 66 45 95 DNC 568 473
65th Lucas de Gusmao P. Frota Alexandre Alvarenga Geral Ecco!! CNC/RJ 30958 31 38 47 72 83 45 63 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 569 474
66th Daniel Dantas Italo Silva Geral S/Nome CICP/PE 30931 41 57 55 ZFP 69 (95 DNC) 95 DNC 52 ZFP 55 56 ZFP 575 480
67th Pedro Figueiredo Mateus Figueiredo Geral Chopp de Roupão ICRJ/RJ 30836 74 75 57 74 59 47 (95 DNF) 56 58 595 500
68th Horácio Camargo Jr. Karen Camargo Mista Shen Long ICRJ/RJ 30951 71 60 65 52 69 65 65 (95 DNF) 56 598 503
69th Mariana Peccicacco Tatiana Ribeiro Fem. Na Moral M.Brasil 30267 49 69 73 63 (95 DNC) 95 DNC 60 51 47 602 507
70th Cezar Augusto Castro Bruno Ferreira Master Storm ICB/DF 30565 85 46 50 66 23 51 (95 ZFP) 95 DNC 95 DNC 606 511
71st Alexandre Asmus Tales Asmus Master Zero-Cinco/STCGZO CRG/RJ 30961 73 71 (82) 61 72 58 75 58 57 607 525
72nd Lucio das Neves Macedo Pedro Andrade Geral Acará ICB/DF 30446 87 62 68 47 76 67 69 (95 DNF) 64 635 540
73rd Erick Abreu Guilherme Freitas Geral Marfan Seguros CNC/RJ 31075 (90) 72 75 82 73 41 83 ZFPa 40 79 ZFP 635 545
74th Sandro Sartorio Luis de Lucca Geral Nautica 30 nos CNC/RJ 30788 78 33 81 73 78 56 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 53 642 547
75th Caio Sena Bruno Sena Geral Tomahawk GVI/SP 28649 69 81 61 65 47 57 75 ZFP (95 DNC) 95 OCS 645 550
76th Ronaldo Soares de Moura Gastão Soares de Moura Geral Van Ducth CC/RJ 30993 60 80 63 62 70 43 89 ZFP (95 DSQ) 95 DNC 657 562
77th Timothy Barr Alan Macedo Geral Franco Atirador ICRJ/RJ 30670 80 50 80 56 66 73 (95 ZFPa) 95 DNC 62 657 562
78th Bruno Egger Rodrigo Alvim Geral S/Nome CNC/RJ 30656 77 74 86 64 37 64 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 69 ZFP 661 566
79th Pedro Silva João Victor Silva Geral Pé de Pano CNC/RJ 30745 76 54 72 70 61 54 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 95 DNC 672 577
80th Vanir T. Junior Fabricio Ourique Geral S/Nome ICVL/SC 30661 81 (95 ZFP) 84 67 68 95 DNF 62 60 61 673 578
81st Frederico Ribeiro Adelson Pandine Master Tobiou ICRJ/RJ 30908 82 (95 DNF) 79 68 75 74 93 ZFP 52 59 677 582
82nd Affonso Abreu Sylvio Abreu Master Tau ICRJ/RJ 29948 83 78 83 80 64 (95 DNF) 71 61 63 678 583
83rd Jose Paulo de Araujo Jorge Cesar Guedes Master Vento BVC/RJ 30662 86 84 52 79 63 63 72 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 689 594
84th Leticia Martinelli Bruno Martinelli Mista S/Nome ICES/ES 30062 88 61 66 77 74 (95 DNF) 58 95 DNF 95 DNC 709 614
85th Murilo Borges Michael Frew Master Pearl Harbour ICRJ/RJ 30534 40 12 (95 DNS) 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNF 95 DNC 95 DNC 717 622
86th Cesar Alves Gustavo Macedo Master Namarra ICB/DF 30751 70 63 74 76 86 70 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 95 DNC 724 629
87th Thiago Luiz de Santana Lais Corbal Mista Wimbi NSPPG/SP 27536 89 88 87 (95 DNF) 85 77 77 62 65 725 630
88th Carlos Felipe Hermuth Fernanda Righi Mista S/Nome VDS/RS 27660 68 67 85 78 80 71 86 ZFP (95 DNC) 95 DNC 725 630
89th Rodrigo Haje Bruno Falco Geral Barbaridad VIII ICES/ES 29433 64 70 (95 DNS) 81 81 72 87 ZFP 95 DNC 95 DNC 740 645
90th Gustavo Carvalheira Mauricio Tomes Geral Tean Pirigoso CNC/RJ 30320 91 85 58 (95 DNF) 84 69 95 DNF 95 DNC 95 DNC 767 672
91st Avelar Loureiro Neto Victoria Castro Geral CIC/PE CIC/PE 31073 72 86 76 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNF 95 DNC 95 DNC 804 709
92nd Victor R. Demaison Eduardo Papier Master Sai de Perto ICRJ/RJ 13906 79 (95 DNF) 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 73 95 DNF 95 DNC 817 722
93rd Christian Shaw Jeffrem Shaw Master S/Nome ICB/DF 29874 (95 DNC) 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 76 95 DNF 95 DNC 836 741
94th Helio Schechtman Marcelo Benchimol Master Dermoclinic ICRJ/RJ 26915 92 (95 DNF) 95 DNF 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNC 95 DNF 95 DNC 95 DNC 852 757



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