Croatian Nationals – Final Results

Moscenicka Draga, May 18-20, 2012. Regatta report (by Damir Vranic), photos and results. Beautiful sailing weekend at Croatian Nationals in Moscenicka Draga, with three days of nice windy conditions. Eleven crew on Friday start and two more joined on Saturday.

Croatian Nationals – Final Results Image

Moscenicka Draga, May 18-20, 2012. Regatta report (by Damir Vranic), photos and results.

Beautiful sailing weekend at Croatian Nationals in Moscenicka Draga, with three days of nice windy conditions. Eleven crew on Friday start and two more joined on Saturday.

First day started late afternoon and two races where sailed with Mistaral of some 15+ knots. Enrico Michel & Stefano Longhi lead the regatta with two first places. Nice competition between “Grego brothers” and the “Rockets” for the second, and also interesting the situation for the second in Croatian Nationals with four teams within two points.

Second day started with sunny and worm but calm conditions. Mistral came as usual in the afternoon, again of some 12-15kn, and the fleet was ready to go. Unfortunately already at firs downwind mark bad collision and badly damaged Rochelli’s boat who where forced to retire from racing. The rest of the fleet sailed three interesting races. Nice diner with Champions League finals on TV continue though the night 🙂

Weather forecast for Sunday was not promising but later in the afternoon wind came from SE and we completed the two remaining races. Tricky conditions lead to interesting races and results. Price giving ceremony and we where ready to go home…until next weekend!

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Open – Podium
Croatian Nationals: podium
Final Results



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