The Commodore’s Log Book

Hello Snipe Sailors! This is my first report as SCIRA Commodore (and the first time the Snipe Bulletin is published in digital format only). I've already met many of you at regattas, or maybe you've read my articles on SnipeToday or in the Snipe Bulletin. I am proud to represent a class born 86 years ago that is still quite lively, which brings together excellent and passionate sailors from 28 countries and 4 continents. First of all I want to thank outgoing Commodore Gweneth Crook for her competence and dedication to our Class. Gweneth will continue to help out at major events. It was an honor for me to work with her and to have such good discussions the past few years. ...

The Commodore’s Log Book Image

Hello Snipe Sailors!

This is my first report as SCIRA Commodore (and the first time the Snipe Bulletin is published in digital format only). I’ve already met many of you at regattas, or maybe you’ve read my articles on SnipeToday or in the Snipe Bulletin. I am proud to represent a class born 86 years ago that is still quite lively, which brings together excellent and passionate sailors from 28 countries and 4 continents.

First of all I want to thank outgoing Commodore Gweneth Crook for her competence and dedication to our Class. Gweneth will continue to help out at major events. It was an honor for me to work with her and to have such good discussions the past few years.


I also want to recognize my friend and mentor Giorgio Brezich: sailing mate, Snipe historian, former chair of the International Rules Committee, and Past Commodore. I often meet Giorgio on the water of the Gulf of Trieste, sailing his beautiful wooden Dragon. When he sees me training on my Snipe , he immediately changes the course of his Dragon and comes over to greet me. 15790, the number I proudly show on my mainsail, is the sail number of Barbanera V, the boat in which Giorgio won one of his many Italian Nationals.

For the SCIRA Board, dialogue with all sailors is important, whether they compete internationally or participate only in local fleet activities. We would like to hear your ideas, comments, concerns, and advice about the activity and promotion of our Class. Please do not hesitate to contact me or other members of the Board. We are first of all sailors, and we want to know what other sailors think.

It is also important to hear opinions from clubs, race officers, boat builders, sailmakers, mast producers etc. so we can discuss during Board meetings and conference calls. We will soon be asking for your opinions through specific online questionnaire and surveys.

Promotion is key for the future of our Class at fleet, district, and continental levels. Communication requires more and more professional knowledge to make our boat known to other sailors and to the sailing community in general. I am working on some ideas and projects … I will let you know soon. However, I am also convinced that if every SCIRA member around the world makes even a small effort to share the Snipe with new sailors, our Class will grow and we will have new friends. For example, if each of us introduces one sailing friend to Snipe activities, this could be a good starting point.

World Sailing approved the new Snipe Class Rules, which will take effect on January 1, 2018 (in this Bulletin you can find an article by Antonio Bari). The new Rulebook (already online on, will be sent to the members through the National Secretaries. I want to thank Antonio Bari, Antonio Espada and Giorgio Brezich for completing the Rulebook.

2018 will be a great year for racing Snipes. The main events are: Master Worlds in Vilamoura, Portugal; Women’s Worlds in Newport, RI, USA; Junior and Open European Championship in Pori, Finland; and Western Hemisphere & Orient Championship at Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hosting clubs are already working on memorable events. The calendar can be found at the end of this Snipe Bulletin.

See you soon, on the race course!

Pietro Fantoni


1 comment

Monica Irgens
01/07/2018 -

Pietro, welcome and congratulations!

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